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@Nataliesgramma   agree, it is usually a family dynamic 

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Re: My 600 lb life

[ Edited ]

I have about 5 or 6 episodes recorded and haven't watched this one yet.


One thing that really bugs me: how can someone who is supposed to have a 400 calorie meal still wind up eating a big plateful of food and not realize that's too much?


Anyone can find the calorie content of food these days.



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I watch when I like the patient, but switch to another channel for the surgery part or if the eating part gets too disgusting.


I really liked Larry and feel for him.  He seems delusional though.  I was surprised when Dr. Now told him he's not going to order psychotherapy because Larry already had those resources from his prior sleeve surgery and years in a rehab facility when he got down to the 300s.


I couldn't help noticing last night that Dr. Now would benefit from a little calorie restriction himself.

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I imagine the addition to food is  much like a drug addiction or smoking addiction or drinking addiction. Not easy to fix or stop for the person who is use to using food like a  crutch. 


I know that when I quit smoking two packs of cigarettes a day over 30 years ago, cold turkey... It was probably the hardest habit I ever had to break. I did quit because I chose LIFE over cigarettes.  These obese people must make that choice... but sadly many of them can not.... or it is still to late to fix the damage done to their bodies and they pass away anyway. 

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Since these people cannot work I'm assuming most of them are on Medicaid.  One would think they would prioritize the counseling and perhaps not waste 95% of the money spent.  Same with the cases paid by private insurance.

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@SeaMaiden   I agree with what you say except I think a food addiction is worse or harder, if you will.  At least when a person gives up cigarettes, drinking or drugs, they never have to do it again.  A person addicted to food still has to eat.  Much harder I would think.


Like you, I used to smoke.  I'll be off cigarettes 17 years in August.  It was also the hardest thing I ever had to do.  But I'll tell you this, if I "had" to smoke a few cigarettes a day, I couldn't do it.  I'd be right back up to 20 or 30.  


Of course, any addiction is awful.  

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@Citrine1 wrote:

 But I'll tell you this, if I "had" to smoke a few cigarettes a day, I couldn't do it.  I'd be right back up to 20 or 30.  



@Citrine1   Yes to the above what you said.


Even though I quit smoking over 30 years ago, If I CHOSE to, I could start smoking again right away.  Like you,  I too will always be ADDICTED to the menthol and the nicotine... but it is a CHOICE that I make not to smoke and do the damage to my body.   I put my health and body ABOVE my addiction.  THAT is what the addicted person has to want to do. These obese people will always want to eat too much. They need to put their health first each day.  

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You make very valid points in your post.


Humans HAVE to intake food to live and so it would be very hard to limit your food intake to only the necessary calories to sustain, and nothing more, if you are addicted to food.  You must intake daily the very substance that you are addicted to.


I also wonder if the reason some people overeat so much as that the mechanism that makes us feel "full" and satisfied doesn't work for them.  Overeaters always feel hungry.  I wonder why that is. Hunger is not a pleasant feeling, so they continue to eat.


And what creates food cravings?  That also is a cause of overeating.


Those who have normal appetites would literally get "sick" if they even tried to consume that much food, especially at one meal.  How are others able to eat that much food and not feel extreme discomfort?


I believe much more scientific research needs to be done to truly understand this form of addiction and thereby help those afflicted.


I think comparing cigarette addiction to food addiction is useless.  A person absolutely does not need to consume cigarettes, but we certainly need food.  










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I watched the show for quite a while and ended up losing interest.


With most of the episodes, it's mostly two hours of whining.    Not all these folks are unlikable, of course, but the ones who are just make it a miserable watch.  


It also ticks me of those who really don't want to help themselves.  Let somebody who DOES want to get help and do their part have their chance, instead of making it mostly about the drama.


No matter what, nobody needs to eat tens of thousands of calories per day and one can make better choices.

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None of Dr. Nowzarden's patients appear to be flush with cash.  I'm guessing they are on Medicaid and that's how he gets paid.  So, its hard to understand how they can afford to live on huge bags of delivered fast food several times a day.  That stuff is expensive.  I occasionally splurge and a medium burger, coke and fries is close to $9.  They order vast quanities.

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