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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Watching the movie on TV during th floating around in space scenes, I suddenly realized I am scared of heights.   I felt sick & dizzy.  I think that's what it was.

Thought it was a fluke so I watched the movie again.  Again, the scared of height feeling (sick & dizzy) all throughout the floating in space scenes which was pretty much the whole movie.

This has never happened to me before nor since.


It's a good thing I didn't watch this movie in the theater.  I would have been Throwup.gifall over the place!



The movie ending was very unrealistic!

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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@Mz iMac wrote:

Watching the movie on TV during th floating around in space scenes, I suddenly realized I am scared of heights.   I felt sick & dizzy.  I think that's what it was.

Thought it was a fluke so I watched the movie again.  Again, the scared of height feeling (sick & dizzy) all throughout the floating in space scenes which was pretty much the whole movie.

This has never happened to me before nor since.


It's a good thing I didn't watch this movie in the theater.  I would have been Throwup.gifall over the place!



The movie ending was very unrealistic!

Or in 3-D as it was an option at the theater.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

This movie was painfully slow and boring.  Hated it.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

It seems like people either really liked it or hated it.  Not much in between.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

My husband and I saw Gravity in the theatre in 3D. We thought it was pretty good but not great. The newer movie Martian is much better IMO.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles