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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

I love Kat,  if for no other reason than comic relief. Christie annoys the hell out of me! I wonder if that was staged. If not, she needs some serious help. I hope they pull this off and Nicole stays. It's going to be a long week.

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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

It just dawned on me how crazy it will be on Thursday if they blindside Nick and, after all his reassurance to Christie, he realizes she was in on it.  


From the way it sounded, though, of the two of them--Cliff or Nicole-- it didn't seem like Nick really cares who goes home. 

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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

Kat is a unique character in the history of Big Brother. Jordan was a bit of a ditz, but Kat takes it to a whole new level. She's become my favorite character this year, by far. Granted it's not hard with this cast to be a favorite, but she's unique and unlike anyone we've seen in BB before. I like Cliff, David, Nicole and even Holly and Analyse, but Kat is special. 

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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

Feeds are back! Jessica is off the block and Nicole is on the block. Christie is trying to explain her breakdown to Witchabella. Everyone seems moderately happy. A Christie blindside would have been glorious after all of that.

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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

I frankly wonder how many times a day the word “love” gets said.  What a bunch of phony people.  They hug each other, then run to the other side and talk behind everyone’s back.  I wonder what they really think of each other?  I’m so confused.  I really can ‘t think of anyone I like and want to win.  Christie and Bella are the worst.  Please God evict them soon!  


I’m not surprised Christie got her power wrong.  She can’t stay still long enough to read and understand it before she runs to her alliance and blabs everything that happens to her.

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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

For reasons known only to her, Christie has now told Nick and Witchabella about her power. She swore Nick to secrecy and he agreed, but Witchabella was too busy making a mental checklist of who to tell to agree.

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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

I missed the original telling and had to wait for an encore performance (of which I'm sure there will be many). She was doing a retelling out on the hammock with N&B and Tommy joined them. I wonder how Tommy and Jack feel about her telling everyone.


From what I was reading in the chat, production may have told her she had to clarify the power because she had been telling people she had a power that would keep her safe for the next four weeks. Because they can't lie about their powers she had to go back and explain.


I thought the only people she told about winning the comp were Jack and Tommy but she's now clarifying to Holly and Sis so the apparently the whole house knew? Well, anyway, they do now! I don't think Christie could keep a secret to save her life.



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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!

She was production as strategy.
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Re: Monday 7/15/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers and Updates!!!
