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I can't believe this is the last show tonight.  Hope it is a good one.  I still hope another network will pick it up,  

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Re: Mom TV show

[ Edited ]

Really sorry to see this go; terrific ensemble cast ( especially Allison Janney).

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I'm sad to see the show go. It's still very funny and it has not lost its momentum without Faris. 

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So disappointed that it's the last show.   I won't spoil anything since some haven't seen it yet. 


I'm just going to say, you can tell they rushed the ending since they weren't given much time when they were told it was cancelled.  Still think CBS could have given them an hour send off.


Will be interested in all of your reviews later.

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I didn't like the ending at all, by the way.   Left me sad really.

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@Ladygray wrote:

I didn't like the ending at all, by the way.   Left me sad really.

I didn't like the ending either.  The actors were great though  Jills story line was perfect.  I would love to see a spinoff.  There are so many stories left to tell with those crazy ladies. lol  The new ones were very funny.

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The ending left me wanting more. I'm going to miss this show.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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I thought the show was witty, funny, and one of the few comedies on right now that I really like.  It was different and fresh even though the cast was not 20 somethings....Sorry but it was my fault it was cancelled...let me like something like restaurants, items on the menu, stores, hairdressers, neighbors....they will be history.  

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@chiclet  I KNOW, right! Isn't it Always the way!  

               I liked the episode.  But it left me thinking. NOW they set up everyones storylines?!  If they get picked up they've got several interesting plot lines that I'd want to see!  Even if Mom isn't picked up I was left feening that whatever was to come they had each other to lean on. 


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@chiclet ....What?  It was your fault it was cancelled?  Confused.