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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

@shoesnbags wrote:

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

I'm sure Kirk has a lot of money; he could afford a much better hairpiece. If you're going to go that route at least do it right.


KIrk Douglas died in 2020.  That's his son, Michael Douglas.  No reason to think that's a hairpiece.  It looks exactly like my FIL's hair when he was in his 90s.  Many older men would be thrilled to have MD's hair at that age.


@GoneButNotForgotten  - that is Michael's real hair.  I think it looks really good.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

@Estellee wrote:

Not sure, maybe a little of both? Who do you think @San Antonio Gal 


I'm having a hard time seeing either parent in the daughter @Estellee .

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

@Sugipine wrote:

That's what happens when you have kids late in life. Your kids look more like your grandkids. He's 80 and she's 21. Hard to compare who she looks like from that picture of the old man.


@Sugipine  -  So are you saying that Al Pacino was too old to have a child in his 80's - I think 83?  Smiley Happy



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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

[ Edited ]

The daughter is a Douglas through and through.  Especially from the eyes down to chin, except she does not have blue eyes.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

I wasn't sure at first but the more I look at her I see her dad.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

[ Edited ]

She definitely has his cleft chin. But I think she looks more like her mother when she was much younger.



Young Catherine Zeta-Jones Black and White Head Shot


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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Good lord! why are some of you people getting your undies in a bunch over someone who doesn't know you from Adam?

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

@SilleeMee  - So are you saying that Al Pacino was too old to a child in his 80's - I think 83?


She said no such thing...where did this chip on your shoulder come from? Why would you go putting YOUR WORDS in someone else's mouth? This makes you look bad--that is, if you don't give a fig about your reputation.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Catherine Zeta Jones is getting a little too long in the tooth to let those saggy old boobs of her be flopping around her chest. Admit it, Catherine: you're getting older, just like the rest of us "little people".

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

@SilleeMee  - So are you saying that Al Pacino was too old to a child in his 80's - I think 83?


She said no such thing...where did this chip on your shoulder come from? Why would you go putting YOUR WORDS in someone else's mouth? This makes you look bad--that is, if you don't give a fig about your reputation.


I believe @Sugipine is able to understand when a post is made in a funny or joking way.


Bye Felecia.