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Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

[ Edited ]

Michael Douglas just posted this on Instagram.  Who do you think his daughter, Carys, resembles - Michael or Catherine? 



Michael Douglas daughter.png


Michael Douglas daughter 2.png

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Michael sure looks like his Dad. 

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Wow, yes Michael does look a lot like Kirk Douglas.  Handsome guys.


As far as the daughter I think she looks like her mom, very pretty girl.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Not sure, maybe a little of both? Who do you think @San Antonio Gal 

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Nothing special.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

That's what happens when you have kids late in life. Your kids look more like your grandkids. He's 80 and she's 21. Hard to compare who she looks like from that picture of the old man.

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

I don't think she favors either parent. 

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter



that happened with my gr. daugter .. she is a perfect  combo

of her father and his sister ....

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Re: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones' daughter

Catherine Zeta was more then beautiful in her heyday.

When she done Zorro with Antonio Banderas. He was handsome back then, too.


Time marches on