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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I watched all four parts of this last night on Peacock. I didn't even know we got Peacock, but we have Xfinity so I guess we do!



This is about the 2002 Olympics and the judging scandal for pairs figure skating. Tara Lipinski and her husband produced it. It features the real people involved, not actors. We see them as they were during that time and as they are today.




Scott Hamilton, one of my favorites, is in it!





I really enjoyed it. If you're into ice skating competitions, or the Olympics, or conspiracy theories, you will too.





It really stresses how a lifetime of training can come down to one performance on the ice. 


It was also interesting to follow the life stories of the Canadian and Russian couples involved - without really choosing to be!   Smiley Happy


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Posts: 10,225
Registered: ‎06-14-2010

I watched the Olympics for years, winter and summer.  I was always front and center for the ice skating events, loved ice dancing.  There were times when the judges showed bias when voting and in fact it was blatant.  I am not an ice slating expert but even the announcers would comment.  For the most part I trust the winners were worthy.


My favorite ice dancing couple were Torvill and Dean and their ice dancing to Bolero spectacular, I still get the chills when I see it.  They were pioneers in many of the moves which became standards for others.  


I haven't kept up with the Olympics and wonder if the judging is still controversial.



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Posts: 15,408
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@spiderw - You would really enjoy this. Apparently some changes were made after to make it more objective, but after watching this I have to wonder. It was so interesting.  


I always loved the skating world too and still follow it. I don't skate or ski, and I'm a summer sports girl, but I always preferred watching the winter Olympics!  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎06-14-2010



I do get Peacock so I will keep this show in mind since I too enjoy the Winter Olympics and the skating.Thanks and have a good evening!

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Posts: 15,408
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@spiderw wrote:



I do get Peacock so I will keep this show in mind since I too enjoy the Winter Olympics and the skating.Thanks and have a good evening!




@spiderw - YW! Have a good day tomorrow!  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 17,743
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Back in the glory days of figure skating, I watched every skating show I could find.  I will look this up --- it sounds great.  Thanks for posting about it.  

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