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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

@Somertime wrote:

@Diva on The Q Mary Jo Buttafuco, Joey Buttafucco and Amy Fisher.  Too much to go into.  Look them up on the Internet.

No need to look them up for me. Once fully identified other than by relatively common first names, I knew the saga...

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

[ Edited ]

@Somertime wrote:

@Diva on The Q Mary Jo Buttafuco, Joey Buttafucco and Amy Fisher.  Too much to go into.  Look them up on the Internet.


@Somertime: Wow! I thought that story was old news. Guess I'll have to check it out. 

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

@Somertime   I remember when Mary Jo was shot but I don't remember a murder. This is what threw me when you said the charge was reduced from murder to assault. Who was murdered?

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

I've just pretty much finished watching the episode and, while I initially thought 'oh come on - we know all this', I was surprised to see not only more POVs on it (e.g. the daughter - I rather like her) but more technical info that I don't recall knowing.


Like many of these, I didn't see the need for a 2hour episode but then I'm not big on manufactured drama either.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

@50Mickey wrote:

@Somertime   I remember when Mary Jo was shot but I don't remember a murder. This is what threw me when you said the charge was reduced from murder to assault. Who was murdered?


There was no murder.  That would have been a mis-statement.  

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

@50Mickey Sorry, I should have said attempted murder!  Thanks, I'll correct it!

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

I remember that whole saga too.  


I do not agree with most of the posters on this thread.  I didn't think much of the daughter - most of her words were bleeped out and she acted as though she was trying out for a role in a movie....    Joey is an idiot to this day and I wouldn't call him the "typical" Italian man.  Maybe "low class typical" - but he certainly isn't a representative of "all"........


Mary Jo??  Yes, she is the only adult in the group (or room) but then again, we didn't see too many in the group or room.  Her son wants no part of this and even changed his last name..... I guess he's not typical??


I read where Mary Jo remarried but they were divorced before he died and no mention of her was in his obit.  He was remarried to his first wife at the time of his death.


Hope I didn't offend anyone here... This is JMO

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

[ Edited ]

I saw it. I don't know how anyone could've been "shocked" to learn that the charges against Fisher were reduced. That was common knowledge at the time.

And I, too, was not impressed with the daughter, though I can understand what a nightmare this must have been for all of them.

Mary Jo Buttafuoco, the direct victim in this sordid case, appears to still be doing well. She took a lot of grief for staying with her pig of a husband (who tried to parlay his notoriety into acting gigs) and making excuses for him. ("Joey's a very friendly guy," she said, after he was later caught soliciting a hooker.) But anyone who wants to cast stones at a wife and mother who was interrupted by a psychopath while painting a flippin' bench at her own home, should have read her excellent book. I did, about 10 years ago, and it's an insightful account of why she made the decisions she did.

The high school escort and, later, porn star--Fisher--certainly hasn't changed much. She served less than 7 years of a 15-year sentence, thanks to MJB, who'd struck up a friendship with her mom, and who spoke on behalf of her early release, after which Fisher "apologized" at the hearing.

Yet Fisher volunteered over 10 years ago, that she didn't feel sorry for Mary Jo, and compared the bullet left in her head to "the silicone left in my b**bs." What a charmer.👍

The pig remarried, and so did Mary Jo, though her second husband died years ago. However scarred her kids are, I was at least happy that she has a good relationship with them.

That woman has been through enough.

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

I saw a recent article online at ABC that was an interview with the daughter, and after reading it, I figured there was no need to tune in.  Back then, I always wondered why Mary Jo stayed with him.  I guess it was hard to accept and she really wanted to believe him when he denied he had a relationship with Amy.  

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Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

@Diva on The Q wrote:

@Somertime wrote:

@Diva on The Q Mary Jo Buttafuco, Joey Buttafucco and Amy Fisher.  Too much to go into.  Look them up on the Internet.


@Somertime: Wow! I thought that story was old news. Guess I'll have to check it out. 

I wonder why these shows keep digging up old news like this.  Dateline has been doing this too.  I guess it's like a "where are they now" kind of thing, but they don't seem to be going above and beyond what's already been out there.