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Registered: ‎10-08-2014

Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

Should have took the kids and the money , changed there last name and moved .

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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

@GinzTonic wrote:

Should have took the kids and the money , changed there last name and moved .

Out of everything I already did not understand, I guess what shocked me was the one special he did with Amy and they were going out to eat I think that was just awful.  At least they did not have Amy on this one.  There is just something so wrong with Joey. And the weird guy who tried to shoot Mary Jo in her home before Amy tried to kill her.  He can  say that on TV and nothing can be done.  WOW

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Mary Jo and daughter last evening

I'm beyond caring about this particular real life soap opera.