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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

[ Edited ]

I saw a better pic and I think it looked good. I don't care for her hair in this pic.

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

I have worn wigs for 15 years.  I would say most likely, that is a wig she is wearing.  

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

she looks good as a blonde and with the new hairstyle.


she may be one of those people who can pretty much wear their hair any style or any color and look good all ways.

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

I liked the color, pretty ash blonde. According to internet articles, it is not a wig. 

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

Way back I used to watch this show.


However, I got sick of the way everything these ladies said....the audience claps.


Now I know they're told to clap...whatever.....I still can't stand it.


Thanks for letting us peek in to see what Marie looked like.  I could only stand watching long enough to look at Marie.


I guess one person's idea of blonde isn't necessarily another's.


I wear a wig often.  It's blonde.  It's not white blonde like Ms. Nielson...but it's definitely blonde.  I don't think Marie's hair looks very blonde.


I love her personality and the ease she projects in front of cameras.  It makes me like her immediately.


I like women who are self-confident.

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

I think she looks nice with that lighter shade of hair...wig or not.

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

Sure looks different. 


Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 6.41.55 PM.png

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

I think she looks great as a blonde!

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

@Still Stylish Lady wrote:

Sure looks different. 


Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 6.41.55 PM.png

This is an old pix, and is a wig, her hair was styled totally different today. 

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Re: Marie Osmond on The Talk today February 11

@Shelbelle wrote:

@Still Stylish Lady wrote:

Sure looks different. 


Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 6.41.55 PM.png

This is an old pix, and is a wig, her hair was styled totally different today. 


That explains my cluelessness!   That was the first group of pics that came up and it looked like she was entering a show, so I thought it was the current one.  d'oh!  Smiley Happy


She looks really cute there.