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Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

This was one exciting episode. I haven't seen anything like this. For awhile, it was edging up closely to the original Silence of the Lambs. 

Good direction. Loved the last part of the episode. 

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

[ Edited ]

I agree. I was on the edge of my (couch!) too. I do wish they hadn't 

killed off that cute detective! why?!

I also found a site that explains who every character is.

It is hard to remember who is who after one weeks time. That is what I don't like about HBO series-they give it out one week at a time.

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

Shocked  what happened to a character so closely working with Mare. What else is going to be uncovered ? So, many hanging pieces. Each character has so much baggage  and  it's difficult  to remember or understand  each charcater's  strange relationship  with one another .

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

I like your pun - whoa, Mare!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

I have to watch 3 & 4 if it's there yet.  This is a good show!! Not reading pre posts since I don't want to spoil my watching of it.

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

I was on the edge of my seat. This is the first show in a long time that has kept my attention for more than five minutes.

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

I watched that episode today.  Wow!  I did not expect that to happen.

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

Just watched last night's episode- whoa - really good.

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Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

Enjoying this series. Have to say, tho' that all the bearded men are hard to identify.


Was the poker game that the kidnapper was hosting the one that all the guys with beards went to in the second episode?


Where is the writer?


Definitely looking forward to next week's episode.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Mare of Easton episode tonight. Whoa!

Just watched today.  I was careful  not to read any of the threads on the show before today.  


It certainly was action packed!!  Love this series.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb