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I'm so into shows about people who work in offices, it seems.  I did most of my jobs in offices.  Wonder if there's a connection?  But then the out on the street killers, drug dealers and all that, blood &/or guns, just don't care for that stuff.  Maybe offices are quieter.  I don't know.


Do you lean to shows that reflect places you've worked?  

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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

I hope not, my favorite shows were "The Wire", "Breaking Bad", and "Sons of Anarchy".

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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

@deepwaterdotter,  Oh, I loved Breaking Bad.  Well, there goes my theory. ROFLOL.  Thanks. 

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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

[ Edited ]

I thought you were going to say that both shows depict behavior that is in the news and could get people fired. Very imbedded in our culture.

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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

I loved Mad Men.

I started working in an office in the early 1970s, which wasn't far removed from what was depicted in Mad Men in the 1960s.    Wow, it was a lot of fun!!    No fun in the office now, someone gets offended or no more too drunk to work, LOL.


I love Breaking Bad & The Walking Dead.   Go figure.


I am more likely to gravitate to shows about or filmed in NYC. 

I'm a Law & Order junkie.



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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

@software wrote:

I loved Mad Men.

I started working in an office in the early 1970s, which wasn't far removed from what was depicted in Mad Men in the 1960s.    Wow, it was a lot of fun!!    No fun in the office now, someone gets offended or no more too drunk to work, LOL.


I love Breaking Bad & The Walking Dead.   Go figure.


I am more likely to gravitate to shows about or filmed in NYC. 

I'm a Law & Order junkie.


software:  I also started working in an office in NYC in the early 70's and like you said - it was so much fun!  Very much like Mad Men.  What amazes me is that even though some of the guys would flirt or tell risque jokes (nothing like what is going on now) us girls (we were called girls then) took it in jest and we had such a good time.  We worked very hard and partied hard.  Also, we knew how to handle ourselves and put anyone who got out of line in his place.  We handled it!  If I worked in a place that made me feel uncomfortable, I would just leave a go somewhere else.  I remember that all along Broadway, off Wall Street, there were zillions of employment agencies.  You could go out on your lunch hour and have an interview lined up at another firm if you wanted it.  Jobs were so easy to find.  I do miss all the fun, the flirtations that were so innocent, and the freedom that we had to just be.


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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

I loved The Good Wife but never got into Mad Men - which surprises me since I like Jon Hamm.  Smiley Happy 

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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

I've never seen a tv show set in the office setting I've worked in. I'm not really interested in office type tv shows. I enjoyed Mad Men and The Good Wife for the personal relationships more so than any of the office drama. 

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Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

I liked Mad Men but never watched The Good Wife.


I started working in an office in the early 70s. Can't say it was anything like Mad Men. But it was so much fun and I really liked everyone I worked with. I was shocked when they interviewed me for the job, they really interested in what type of person I was. Really didn't know why they didn't concentrate on experience. But over 80 people applied for the job and somehow I was chosen.


I think they wanted to know if I was a good fit for this group. There were people in their 20s and people well into their 60s. We would go out on Friday nights drinking and close the bars. The Department was mostly men and 6 women. There was no harassment. Everyone treated each other well and that is why I think we enjoyed each others company. That is why I stayed there 14 years. I would still be there today - if they didn't run into financial trouble.

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Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

Re: Mad Men and The Good Wife.

@loveour4leggedfriends wrote:

@software wrote:

I loved Mad Men.

I started working in an office in the early 1970s, which wasn't far removed from what was depicted in Mad Men in the 1960s.    Wow, it was a lot of fun!!    No fun in the office now, someone gets offended or no more too drunk to work, LOL.


I love Breaking Bad & The Walking Dead.   Go figure.


I am more likely to gravitate to shows about or filmed in NYC. 

I'm a Law & Order junkie.


software:  I also started working in an office in NYC in the early 70's and like you said - it was so much fun!  Very much like Mad Men.  What amazes me is that even though some of the guys would flirt or tell risque jokes (nothing like what is going on now) us girls (we were called girls then) took it in jest and we had such a good time.  We worked very hard and partied hard.  Also, we knew how to handle ourselves and put anyone who got out of line in his place.  We handled it!  If I worked in a place that made me feel uncomfortable, I would just leave a go somewhere else.  I remember that all along Broadway, off Wall Street, there were zillions of employment agencies.  You could go out on your lunch hour and have an interview lined up at another firm if you wanted it.  Jobs were so easy to find.  I do miss all the fun, the flirtations that were so innocent, and the freedom that we had to just be.


Exactly, my experience as well.

It was like an extension of high school


The ones who "played" in high school, played in the office.

I used to play dumb if confronted with something unwanted.

I'd act like I didn't understand, too naive, or whatever.

Got that reputation, so it was fun.  No hassles from the "hounds"


I remember one time a girl got so plastered at lunch, we took her home but covered for her in the office the rest of the day.   If someone was asking about her we'd say "we just saw her at the copier" or "she's in the  lady's room"


And jobs were easy to get, if you had a good job you would hook up a friend when an opening came up and vice versa.    Happy Hour almost every evening.


I didn't get married & start a family until my late 20s, almost 30.

Sowed my wild oats then boring!!