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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@tends2dogs , thanks for your reply.  I tried to watch the AP and ended up falling asleep as I tire of the constant "rewinds" of the show.


You may be right about David; and I agree I think he told her too soon because it appeared that's when she completely shut herself off from him; that was obvious.  If memory serves, I think he has a tattoo of his ex?  If so, it would've served him well to have that "altered" or removed before he married.  


Still, I feel for him; she's almost treating him like one of the couples back in the past and darned if I can remember their names.  All I can recall is that the bride was a real b*tch right after the wedding and treated him horribly.


After seeing some of these couples, I'll be surprised if any of them make it.  I have hopes for Thomas/Camille so far.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

Very true - Michelle was out the first time she met him and is using the living arrangements as her excuse. No matter how many times he tries to explain to her - he doesn't live in the basement! I don't know why it was presented that way or why he said that. He has his own 2-bedroom house on his parents' property with his own entrance and kitchen, etc. But, it has stuck in her mind as a bed in the basement, which would be a red flag.


But, between his appearance and his living arrangements, she is out. She doesn't have to be so mean to him. She reminds me a lot of Alyssa, who refused to accept any responsibility for being so terrible to her husband, who really seemed like a good guy, but she wanted to still be a part of the "experience." I hope they send Michelle home or at least drop her from the group when they get back. She is really horrible and was a terrible pick for this show. Actually, so was Madison, who shows no interest in being part of a couple. It seems like she is one of those women they get who want their new husbands to just fit into their existing lives as a plus-one, with no consideration at all for being a part of his life.  


I am not a fan of any of these couples, but I haven't been for the last few seasons, and here I am again!

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@Lisa now in AZ wrote:

Very true - Michelle was out the first time she met him and is using the living arrangements as her excuse. No matter how many times he tries to explain to her - he doesn't live in the basement! I don't know why it was presented that way or why he said that. He has his own 2-bedroom house on his parents' property with his own entrance and kitchen, etc. But, it has stuck in her mind as a bed in the basement, which would be a red flag.


But, between his appearance and his living arrangements, she is out. She doesn't have to be so mean to him. She reminds me a lot of Alyssa, who refused to accept any responsibility for being so terrible to her husband, who really seemed like a good guy, but she wanted to still be a part of the "experience." I hope they send Michelle home or at least drop her from the group when they get back. She is really horrible and was a terrible pick for this show. Actually, so was Madison, who shows no interest in being part of a couple. It seems like she is one of those women they get who want their new husbands to just fit into their existing lives as a plus-one, with no consideration at all for being a part of his life.  


I am not a fan of any of these couples, but I haven't been for the last few seasons, and here I am again!

@Lisa now in AZ , great post!  And thanks for the name I couldn't think of - yes, it was Alyssa - the one who always said "but I'm a nice person" - NOT!


You made some very good points.  Thank.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

Good post, @Lisa now in AZ .  Yes, Alyssa, how could anyone forget "such a nice person"? It is extremely similar, but I feel that Michelle would like to be on a plane home and forget this whole experience.  No guy wants to be told that his wife isn't attracted to them.  I think the living situation is more of a turn off than his hair and looks.  Even if David told her that they would get a place of their own, the damage has been done.  She doesn't like the fact that he was living in his parent's place as an adult male.  


As far as telling her about the tattoo, I feel that David may be a bit of a plodder........puts things off.  This should have been taken care of prior to the wedding.  Thankfully, he seems to have a slow fuse.


Expert fail #308.....(I made the number up, but I am sure it is close lol)


As far as Madison, she was into Allen until he walked out in pink shorts with brocolli's on them and that loose t shirt.  He really is far from the Metro look she usually is attracted to.  She did admit on the Afterparty that going for that type guy hasn't worked in the past.  Allen looked Metro at the wedding, but I have to admit, his wardrobe has looked like a ten year old ever since.  Call it superficial, but it is kind of cheesey.  You would think he would want to impress her.  It wouldn't impress me.  I know, shallow.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

Bottom line, Michelle just thinks she's way too good for David IMO and in no way wants to get to know him or anything about him or see where it could go.  She is done, door shut.  


The only way she may come around is if he completely stops any attempts to get to know her or get close to her.  

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@HisElk1 @Wsmom @tends2dogs @Lisa now in AZ @Lisa now in AZ 


Michelle can't approach David in an honest way...
there was nothing wrong with her telling him the things he was doing she didn't like?

Do you think she was wrong?

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@LTT1  They haven't interracted enough for him to have done anything wrong.  I am afraid that anything he does is not going to be in his favor.  If it wouldn't have the living in his parent's basement apartment, it would have been something else.  That just began the downward spiral.  


She told him she doesn't find him attractive.  She should never have gotten through the screening process.  Her friends were shocked and acted as if they knew this wouldn't work.  She is too rigid.  She isn't the go with the flow type. 


As far as Madison and Allen.  She was all turned on by Allen at the wedding and he was wearing a tux.  As soon as he walked out in his pink shorts and loose T shirt, she checked out, too.  She is just better at hiding it.  At least she told Allen that she didn't like his wardrobe.  I have to say that it is a bit juvenile.  At least she admitted that being attracted to the Metro type hasn't worked out for her so far.


I don't think any of the couples will work out.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@tends2dogs , great post.  IMO Michelle is another "but I'm a good person" aka Alyssa.


She checked out completely after him telling her about the living arrangements.  Even if she isn't interested in him, she could be more civil in the way she speaks to him.  Her condescending manner is out of line.  He's still a human and has feelings.



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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@LTT1 wrote:

@HisElk1 @Wsmom @tends2dogs @Lisa now in AZ @Lisa now in AZ 


Michelle can't approach David in an honest way...
there was nothing wrong with her telling him the things he was doing she didn't like?

Do you think she was wrong?

@LTT1 , there is nothing David could do that wouldn't irritate Michelle.  His mere existence on the same trip is too much for her.  So yes, if it were a matter of her saying I need a little space and then seeing him and being kind that would be one thing but clearly she just doesn't want him in her sight nor for him to utter a word.  


She can not like him and not be interested but try to be kind.  She can't. 

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@tends2dogs , if Allen were really interested in Madison he should try to dress a little less like a six y/o if he knows it bothers her. In time, after she grows to love him, reintoduce the look but for now since he knows it is such a turn off, bend a little.  JMO.