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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago



I agree with you about this.

No need to be cruel.

The after party this time was the best one I think I have ever watched imo!

KNP asked thoughtful questions.

Karla is a very refined "mess" isn't she?

Everybody was shown this time except Ikechi and Michelle.

I liked the clips they showed of lighter moments between the couples.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago



Yes! It is surprising to me that he seems to be unmoved by the things he does that bother her!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@LTT1 Everybody was shown this time except Ikechi and Michelle./

  I might be wrong but there were 6 people shown: the first segment was Allen , Karla and David.

The second part was Madison, Emem, and Thomas.

No Juan, Camile, and you're right no Ikechi or Michelle. I can't remember Michelle being on After Party yet.

I was surprised that Emem mentioned she met up with Camile and Thomas later in the season,  and they bicker like an old married couple..Oops! did she just let the cat out of the bag, that they stayed hitched? I'm surprised that wasn't edited out. But now we know, or think we do I suppose..Knowing that show, it could be intentionally misleading and they left it in.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago


~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@HisElk1 @Fiddlededum @Wsmom @tends2dogs @Lisa now in AZ 


Ok I’m caught up again!


Whew! I don't know what to say!

KNP did a good job on the after party.

Who was the man seated at the very end, whose name begins with L?

I liked his way of expressing opinions!

It is very hard to tell anything (for me) about how the couples feel about each other

Madison spent the first night at the apartment going out to happy hour instead with others? Allen was disappointed ...don't blame him!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

Did anyone watch the latest episode?  I won't say alot so as not to spoil anything; however, if I were David, I'd tell the pros that I am done with Michelle.  


I'm beginning to understand why she is 38 and is still single.  She has one lousy attitude and isn't afraid to show it.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@HisElk1   Alissa?

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@pattypeep wrote:

@HisElk1   Alissa?

@pattypeep ,  Yes!  I'm beginning to think they are related.  If I hear the "but I'm a nice person", I'll scream.

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@HisElk1 I watched and have a bit of a different take.


Michelle seems to be stepping up a bit.  I have a feeling that David is a low energy, non motivated person.  His body language speaks volumes. He doesn't sit up, looks unkempt. His apartment, sorry, but it IS his parent's basement extra space IMO.  It was extremely messy and came with a keg refrigerator.  Michelle hit it right when she said it looked like a frat house.  The whole family uses the laundry room which is in his "apartment".  Like I said, he is living in his parent's basement. She wondered where he brought his dates and he pointed to the bedroom.  Sorry........While I think that David would be the most fun of all the husbands and actually is the cutest (not the hair) with a sparkle in his eyes, he is a slug as far as being a productive partner.  This is JMHO. Michelle realized she shut down and that wasn't fair, but she wanted a guy that would meet her half way,  was at the same point in his life as her.  When Keisha asked her what all her exes had in common, Michelle said, they are all exes.  


I still don't hold out any hope for any of these couples.  


Pastor (?) Cal looks like he is sick.  He was really jumping on the bandwagon with the couples how they have to change to make things work.  Instead of asking them to change, why didn't they do a better job of matching?  

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Re: MAFS - season in Chicago

@HisElk1 wrote:

Did anyone watch the latest episode?  I won't say alot so as not to spoil anything; however, if I were David, I'd tell the pros that I am done with Michelle.  


I'm beginning to understand why she is 38 and is still single.  She has one lousy attitude and isn't afraid to show it.

@HisElk1 , I agree, but they knew she didn't think much of someone living with this parents at this point in his life and chose to put her with him anyway.  And he completely and knowingly misrepresented his basement apartment.  It shouldn't matter because I assume they wouldn't live there anyway once they get into real life.  And the fact that he wondered if her mind had changed after actually seeing it was laughable.   


As her finally conceding that it would be ok, that was only because she was pushed into that answer.  Clearly she was not comfortable with it.


You know I am not a fan of Michelle at all but I am starting to think she is getting a really bad edit.   He is a complete kind of look you have to be attracted to.  Personally I am much more attracted to a big, burly guy but I can't remember if she was another one who liked the well-groomed pretty boy or not.


I feel that both Michelle/David and Madison/Allen were the two couples they put in knowing there would be drama and there was not a chance and the girls would feel they were better than their spouses.  Hoping to recreate the mean girl drama buzz from last season.


They did a complete disservice to Emem pairing her with Ikechi.  She seems like a great catch who wants to be there and he seems like this was a good way to promote himself and he wants a partner to control for the sake of having a partner.  


I wonder if they do any kind of background checks on these people or just take what they write on their apps as truth.  By background I don't just mean cirminal...I mean social media.