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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

She should do a lot more than 2 months. Look at all the kids who work their butts off trying to get into a college and she has to go and cheat with her daughters to get in. Yes, the daughters knew because she took photos of them supposedly "rowing" to try to get them in saying they were on a rowing team because their grades were not good enough to get admitted on merit.  Also, this prison she is going to has yoga, arts and crafts, pilates, etc.  There are no cells, they sleep in 5 person dorms.  She is hardly suffering in there. She should have been sent to a regular prison.

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

@LuvmyLab So basically it sounds like she is staying at a resort for a couple of months with the worst thing being that she has to have a few roommates. Now she gets to do some fun things every day and catch up on her rest. Maybe she’ll even sign a few autographs and be the popular one whom everybody flocks around. 🙄SMH at the unfairness of it all. 🤨
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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

@mamaslittlepotato  I am getting so tired of "celebrities" being treated like they are golden.  They should receive the same sentences for the same crimes that we "normal people" would receive.  I think too many judges are star struck. Celebrites are no more special than we are.  They just happen to have a job (most of them) that puts them in the limelight.  

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

Actually do we know what a reg person would have gotten. I think this is a waste of prison space , i think there should be another type of sentence for these type of crimes , maybe like her working at the college doing janitor jobs , washing dishes for 6 months or more , what is gained by her behind bars for 2 months , I don't have a soft spot because she is a celebrity , but put her  work , to help society in these trying times  , make her learn her lesson , not sitting in a prison although i am sure it is scary for her , it's not  like she murdered someone.

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

[ Edited ]

@MW in Iowa wrote:

Actually do we know what a reg person would have gotten. I think this is a waste of prison space , i think there should be another type of sentence for these type of crimes , maybe like her working at the college doing janitor jobs , washing dishes for 6 months or more , what is gained by her behind bars for 2 months , I don't have a soft spot because she is a celebrity , but put her  work , to help society in these trying times  , make her learn her lesson , not sitting in a prison although i am sure it is scary for her , it's not  like she murdered someone.

Good ideas, but this is our reality today. Jail time. I'm sure she won't be put in with murders. Soft jail time.

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

Daughters needing emotional support? I didn't get the impression daughters respected their parents or cared about their self-inflicted, trials and tribulations.  

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

@littlemom3 wrote:

Also, her daughters are adults. I think they are 21 and 22.  It's not like they are minors and need to be cared for, lol.

@littlemom3   No one is saying that the daughters need to be cared for; the issue is this is a family in need of some serious rewiring.


21 and 22 is a number, not an indication of level of maturity.  These girls have not had the best role models and the jail sentences will not be the end of this mess.


They need a serious regroup, rethink, and reevaluation of all their lives-parents and daughters. 

They are still a family.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

Why should someone be released from prison early just because their release date falls on a weekend?  They can't release prisoners on a weekend? 

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

Cheating is cheating.  Being  famous shouldn’t be a get out of free card.  Maybe if serving time with make her think twice before doing it again.  People with money always think they can pay their way out.   I think it is disgusting that the regular people do without so their kids can go to college and the rich and famous wants everything given to them.

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Re: Lori Loughlin Reports to Prison!

@SandySparkles wrote:

I was initially disheartened by the magnitude of this story. It was difficult to process how she willfully became entangled in this scheme of privilege; the existence of which is well understood.😞 


The essence of the judge's scathing rebuke at her sentencing, likely put things into perspective for her.


Her shameful fall from grace, and forever sullied reputation, is more punishing than prison could ever be. She will likely be released in a very short period of time, but the public humiliation, and future lack of marketability will last a lifetime. THAT IS punishment.


I do not blame the daughters for the transgressions of their parents, and believe they need at least one parent for support. Having to endure the forced separation, is going to be very difficult for them.


I believe everyone is deserving of a second chance, but understand that my sentiment is likely not shared by many; in this particular case.😐



~~~All we need is LOVE💖



@SandySparkles  - I agree that her short prison sentence is nothing compared to her ruined reputation and damaged career.  I wonder if she'll ever be able to bounce back in hollywood.