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Every now and then (maybe 4 or so times total) I've watched some of the TV show called Little Women LA.


It's interesting to see them and learn about and from them.  I think they are amazing that they don't think of themselves as any different from anyone else.  The at least try to do all of the same things even though they are often limited.


Some of them are downright beautiful.


The thing I find interesting is the different kind of Dwarfism they have. evidently, there are many different kinds.  They have so many challenges that they overcome every day.


Does anyone else watch this show?  What are your thoughts on it?   As I said, I've watched it a few times and find it interesting.  I don't like the bickering that goes on but that's just part of the show, I guess.

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I just do not understand the draw. If they were not little people what would make them interesting. It is like a sick obsession to watch reality shows that dwell on others hardships or differences.  I do not like these types of shows. My least favorite  Show   is My 600 pound life.  It is the worst for showing people     struggling with an eating disorder and in a negative way.

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I understand what you are saying and I somewhat agree.  However, I think these shows pulls back curtains and shows the good (how similar we all are) and the hardships these people who don't look like the average person endure and how they deal with them.


If it helps people understand others better then I don't understand what is wrong with that.  I know people watch these shows for different reasons.

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Sick obsession?  Wow.    


Anyway, hey Annabelle!   I also watch Little Women: LA.  Elena is really beautiful.    They are an interesting bunch.  I remember at first really not liking Christie at all.  She seemed so mean-spirited and always going behind everybody's back.  She seems to have mellowed out a bit since they have been trying to get pregnant - or something, but she's definitely more likable.


The whole thing with Briana and that creepy guy is rather disturbing.    She is clearly controlled by him.  Otherwise she could recognize that the others have just been looking out for her best interest.   The things he has done and the things he continues to do, like calling the women names and being just awful.   A good guy doesn't do that stuff.  No need to lash out at everybody unless you are exactly what they already know you are.  He tries to separate her from her friends and family.   If there is a girls event he always shows up.   Creepy to the max!!

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Curiosity is a problem for me and for many cats I suppose.   However, it only took me a couple of minutes with one of these shows to find out I don't have an interest.  I saw about two minutes of name calling and screeching, and that was more than enough for me.  I think what originally attracted me to even look at a show was that it was something like Little Women of Atlanta.  That's my home, so I wanted to see what it was about.  I found out. It's definitely not The Little Couple!!   Nuff said.
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Love Little Women LA.

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I watch this show, but not the new one, Atlanta, I think, but can't remember.  The promos make them look raunchy.

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When the ladies aren't bickering!


 I am learning about each of them,their likes ,dislike sand  most are going though very sad times.


I also learned how hard it is for them to do some things that we find easy

are difficault for them because of their size,etc.


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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I've learned a lot, also.  I truly admire making one's way through adversity but not at the expense of others.


My mother seemed to be somebody who only got ahead AT THE EXPENSE of others so I've always strived to never be like that. People who certainly have more challenges than I have pushed ahead on their own ambition and desire to make lives for themselves and their families.  It's a good thing.  Smiley Happy


The ladies from Atlanta are very different than the ladies from LA, and even the ones from NY.   The NY show is on hiatus.  I imagine they will be back too.


My favorite thing about the ladies from Atlanta is one of the twins.  She has this smile that makes me smile ear to ear.  Priceless, that.  Smiley Happy