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I am watching Robin Roberts special.  It is really good.  I think this movie will be a hit.  I really like the original.  But this one looks amazing.

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Thanks for the sharing @sunshine 919 I am debating on going to movie theater or waiting until it hits the store on DVD.  I really liked the original movie.

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I’m going to see it on Thursday. I’ve heard good things about it - it’s a completely unnecessary movie, but it’s supposed to be beautiful. And, anything that helps to advance conservation across Africa, with the goal to double the number of lions by 2050, is a very good thing!
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I watched the special, it was very good.   I loved hearing from the actors in the current movie as well as the original.  IMO the original is a great movie, the best animated movie of all time.     My son was about 10 when it came out, I took him to every animated movie that came out and usually slept through every one of them, except The Lion King.


I plan on seeing it early Sunday morning on an IMAX screen.

Trying to miss the crowds.

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@Alter Ego wrote:
I’m going to see it on Thursday. I’ve heard good things about it - it’s a completely unnecessary movie, but it’s supposed to be beautiful. And, anything that helps to advance conservation across Africa, with the goal to double the number of lions by 2050, is a very good thing!



~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Just musing out loud here - aren't all movies completely unnecessary?

Is any art necessary?  


But we love all forms of art, with different formats and/or specifics appealing to different people.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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I am looking forward to going to see this on Saturday.  That is, if it is not sold out. Fingers crossed.

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@GingerPeach  I think one can argue that art IS necessary.  It may not be a necessity, but art is one thing that makes life enjoyable.  Whether music, theater or visual. The world would be awfully bleak without art.



But, with regards to my comment about The Lion King - as many said, the original is a classic.  They are making another animated film out of an animated film.  There will presumably be the same scenes in both. The original film is not that old.  There is nothing wrong with remaking it, it’s just not necessarily something that needed to be redone.  Do they need to redo the Harry Potter movies?  I’m sure, at one point they will. But, do they need to really?  They remake many films and, depending on the story and who’s in it, I will go to see them.  

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I agree that art is necessary, @Alter Ego 

I was not saying that it isn't.  Which is why I also wrote that we love art-and yet, "each to his own."


I was struck by the "unnecessary" phrase by whoever was the critic.  It does not seem logical. I'm sure whoever wrote that could have come up with something better.  It's art, and art stands on its own.  Just because the story is the same, and may have some of the same scenes, the visuals are very different.  


Someone could have also argued a stage production was also "unnecessary" because why go to a play when you could see the original movie?  In fact, I got that impression in watching the Robin Roberts special last night. The premise could be stretched to cover a lot more, but to me it doesn't make sense. Artists want to create.  It's up to us whether we view something or not.


[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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I bought this movie for DD years ago.  I couldn't get past the beginning when the animals bowed down and the words and music of the song, began crying, tried several times but didn't make it, so have never seen the movie, lol.  I may be able to watch this new movie though.