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Re: L/O Organized crime 05/04/23

what I hated was seeing Stabler putting the moves on Olivia


Has that story line been continued or have they dropped it?

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Re: L/O Organized crime 05/04/23

So, Kelli is coming on Org Crime but not SVU, is that correct, I dont watch OG, way too violent for me I gave it up. 

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Re: L/O Organized crime 05/04/23

I just read Giddish will be on OC next week and also on the season finale of SVU, she is also now preg with Carisi's baby.  Dont know about this time but last 2 times she was preg in real life. 

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Re: L/O Organized crime 05/04/23

Re Kathy's murder:  I believe she was blown up by a car bomb.  No coming back from that one.