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Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

I really liked it, good movie!

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Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

From the Net:


Meet John Colter, a Marine wounded in Afghanistan, who returns home to the US but struggles deeply with the trauma of war. The memories of fallen friends haunt him, and he carries the weight of survivor's guilt, along with physical injuries that make daily life difficult.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

@Desertdi   Thank you for giving the plot line. Just reading the heading of this thread gives one no idea what the story is about or why I should try it. Thanks for expanding on the original poster's info. Smiley Happy

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Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it



Thank you for recommending this movie.  I'm always in search of something good to watch.💝🌸

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Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

@Desertdi   ThankYou-smiley.giffor providing a synopsis.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ‎02-16-2019

Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

Sorry for not giving more details, I am always afraid of giving away too much, plus it was late.

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Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it


I watched this movie earlier this week and agree with you, very good. Brian Cox was excellent, as usual, and Sinqua Walls was also. I highly recommend this movie.
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Registered: ‎02-16-2019

Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

@sugar plum wrote:

I watched this movie earlier this week and agree with you, very good. Brian Cox was excellent, as usual, and Sinqua Walls was also. I highly recommend this movie.

I also thought Sinqua was easy on the eyes! But the movie was great, makes you really feel for our vets.

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Posts: 20,727
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Just watched "Mending the Line" on Netflix, really liked it

@Desertdi wrote:

From the Net:


Meet John Colter, a Marine wounded in Afghanistan, who returns home to the US but struggles deeply with the trauma of war. The memories of fallen friends haunt him, and he carries the weight of survivor's guilt, along with physical injuries that make daily life difficult.

Appreciate the synopsis I no longer can "copy and paste".  My mouse is on the way out.