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Uh, no thank you. 


He's one of the most ignorant and revolting people on TV ... just how does this guy keep getting jobs?  Ugh!

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Re: Judge Steve Harvey

[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

First, I will never understand why this man has been pushed so hard. He simply isn't that likable or that talented. Moreover, it's sad to think this is what network television has devolved into. 



Cannot stand the man---whether its a game show, a show interviewing kids, or now a so called "judge show"---I also never understood why he gets so many TV offers---and I dont care for his sexist remarks- .....Yep, its sad what network TV has become, its like 10 year olds are running broadcast TV....mostly talent contests, or lame shows like "The Bachelor" "Joe Millionaire" and now "Judge Steve"........or boring same ole plot dramas...😫  


And we are not alone in our assessment either--


From Variety 12/3/21---

  • Viewership metrics for the 18-49 demo show tremendous declines in live and same-day viewing for primetime fall shows
  • Scripted content has seen the biggest drops as consumption patterns change
  • There are just 10 shows or special events with an average 18-49 demo rating greater than 1.0 in 2021, versus 77 in 2015
  • The most watched is sports



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Hi there @Spurt, hoping your holidays were satisfying and that the new year will be as well. Not a bit surprised viewership is way down. How could it not be? They keep foisting endless iterations of the same cookie cutter dramas out there along with comedies that just aren't funny. Add into the mix the never ending agenda driven scripts and casting and quite frankly, I think many folks have had their fill.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@northiie57 wrote:

When did he become a bonified judge in court? Not a fan.  Watch his demeaner and jesters, he fake laughs a lot.

Since I missed it, I have set a reminder via my remote control to tune in when it comes on next.  I'd love to watch this.  I don't watch reality tv in general, but this I will watch.  No Real Housewives, Brides, Weight Loss, Loss on an Island, Bachelors, Duggers, Mama June, Hip Hop.  NOOOO.


I've been watching Steve Harvey on and off for years.  I don't follow him, but if he happens to have a show that piques my interest, I'll check it out.  Like with anything else, If I wind up not liking it, I can discontinue watching.  Boy oh boy, I can't wait....

A Negative Mind ~ Will give you a Negative Life
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My impression of SH is he is a very Un-personable/ Un-approachable fellow. 

Him lording over the  villagers , judging their grievances to him would be EXACTLY his dream job.

Ever notice how the players in that feud game NEVER approach him at the end?  That's all him.  Not allowed. 

If his actions on that game show are an indication of his humor.  It's not to my liking.  He just seems unsatisfied all the time.

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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Wow ladies! What's going on? The OP just asked if anyone saw this new show! Not how much you hate Steve Harvey! Relax.

"Pure Michigan"
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@stevieb wrote:

Hi there @Spurt, hoping your holidays were satisfying and that the new year will be as well. Not a bit surprised viewership is way down. How could it not be? They keep foisting endless iterations of the same cookie cutter dramas out there along with comedies that just aren't funny. Add into the mix the never ending agenda driven scripts and casting and quite frankly, I think many folks have had their fill.



My holidays were nice, smaller group than usual, but we managed to have a good time.  The bummer was the weather, even in South Texas we arent used to having it be 80 for Christmas and New Year's Eve.  Hope you had a nice Christmas and New Years! Wishing you all the best in 2022!!!  


You said it all perfectly regarding today's television entertainment! 🤢🤮

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Show was fun. We watched and enjoyed. Not much to watch,but this is silly.

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I watched it last night and I think his "verdict" opinion was right on point. It is kind of silly and stupid though. 

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Re: Judge Steve Harvey

[ Edited ]

I adore SH. Regarding his talent, wasn't he an Original King of Comedy like Bernie Mac, DL Hughley, etc? I guess he got a stern warning from the network regarding his lack of political correctness. Woman Surprised 


He is now in this judge show because he refuses to do another talk show or comedy act and be censored on his views. So very sick and tired of the wimps/censors behind this PC culture. 

