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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

Although I rarely get to watch, The Peoples Court was always my favorite court show and especially with Judge Marilyn Milian.  She is fair, firm and respectful.  I will miss her and the show.

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

I really miss Hot Bench.  Always hated Judge Judy.  One of the rudest people on TV.

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

Can't stand Judge Judy. She's loud, arrogant, and rude.

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

I watch Judge Mathis and Judge Judy everyday.  I like the fact that Judge Mathis provides help for those addicted and shares knowledge and information.


I watched Hot bench regularly too but when the two judges left I stopped.

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

Can't stand Judge Judy. She's loud, arrogant, and rude.

She is rude! I always wonder if there are REAL judges... not TV judges that are as rude and nasty as Judy. It is entertaining and she says some funny things.... but I chock it up to the TV cameras on her....

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

Thanks for the info @gertrudecloset 


I will miss both Judge Mathis and People’s Court.  It’s been interesting to have Judge Milian’s husband as part of the show when they discuss cases and answer viewer questions.  Judge Mathis has been a great example of someone who turned their life around.  He seems to really understand where many of the troubled youth are coming from and offers help where he can. 


It would be nice if they both come out with new shows of some sort.  They both have a lot to offer. 

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled



I am hoping that another channel will pick up Judge Marilyn'd tv show...if not i'll miss her Smiley Sad

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

I like Judge Judy ("just a second, just a second"). We get old reruns. She tells it like it is. If she's dealing with an idiot - she doesn't hold back. 

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

@scatcat wrote:

I like Judge Judy ("just a second, just a second"). We get old reruns. She tells it like it is. If she's dealing with an idiot - she doesn't hold back. 

I agree - Some people deserve to be told off, especially if they are blatantly lying.


I enjoy the court shows.  Don't think we've had Judge Mathis' show for quite awhile.  I miss him.

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Re: Judge Mathis and The People's Court being cancelled

They may stop filming new shows, but I'm betting their re-runs will be in syndication for decades to come .... probably on some obscure channel we've never heard of .... but still available ...  somewhere.