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Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

Jon Benet's dad will be on Court TV tonight (Tuesday, Jan 17).  I believe 8pm ET, but check your time zones, time, channels, etc. 


It's been advertised that he has new, interesting thoughts re: what happened to his daughter.


It should be an interesting interview.


Vinnie Pollitan is the host.  Not sure about the spelling. 




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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

@ROMARY  I do not know what channel it would be on with Comcast....Seattle area?

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

Lots of unanswered questions. The contents of the note (wasn't it even rewritten) made it seem like someone in the house killed her. Her father's demeanor never bothered me, but some people said he was so unemotional. 

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

[ Edited ]

Funny how they come up with new evidence or theories 26 years later. It's not a cold case that hasn't been discussed in years.  Maybe they found John's DNA on the body.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

[ Edited ]

My Comcast has Court Tv on channel 223.

Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan

8pm Eastern tonight. 


Thanks @ROMARY !

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

If I never hear another word from him or about that poor child's death, I'll die happy.

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

Well that interview was totally worthless. What's new? Nothing.

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

The interview was not worthless. Seems to me the sole objective was to place media and public pressure on the powers that be to hold the Boulder PD's feet to the fire and permit the case to be investigated by a more competent angency willing to utilizing all evidence that was collected, especially considering the advancements in DNA. Also to see if evidence collected in a eerily similar case could be connected to the Ramsey case.

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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

I hadn't been aware (years ago) that their local LE refused outside investigators.  (FBI, etc., etc.)


It's amazing that outside investigations can be very beneficial re: solving murder mysteries / cases.   (Idaho, etc.)

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Jon Benet Ramsey's dad on COURT TV tonight (Tues.)

All I heard was John Ramsey calling the current Boulder PD still backward, incompetent and uncaring. He didn't say why his petitions to the Governor and Attorney General were denied.


Boulder, population over 100,000, is one the USA's most desirable cities to live in. Home to the University of Colorado. There should be no reason to block modern DNA analysis because they're still covering up a botched investigation 26 years ago. 


There are two sides to every story. We only heard one. I would say this interview was aired because Idaho information has slowed and the Jon Benet Ramsey story still pulls viewers. A time slot filler.