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I just finished watching the ID channel's 2 part program about him. What a truly evil disgusting man he was. Although I don't wish to make political statements, because of people like him, we need our law enforcement professionals.

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l look at it differently. Because of the example of Dahmer, we need to invest more in mental healthcare, making sure that every American has access to such healthcare.

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You never lied! I worked JCP parttime for awhile & thought all their male mannequins looked like him.Eeeewww
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@Goldengate8361 wrote:

l look at it differently. Because of the example of Dahmer, we need to invest more in mental healthcare, making sure that every American has access to such healthcare.

There isn't enought mental healthcare on this planet to have helped him. He was truly evil! Not everyone can get "helped" .

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@willomenia Well, we dont know that, now do we..... 

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Dahmer, Son of Sam, Gacy, Ted Bundy, just a few of the evil serial killers who murdered many people before they were caught.  That is the tragedy, they were sick enough to end so many lives before they were caught.  


Yes, we do need our police and I have not heard anyone I listen to say otherwise except fro the distortions of others claiming so.  Good police work by dedicated decent cops can catch criminals.  Unfortunately like in any other job, bad seeds need to be weeded out so the good people can do their jobs.


Also we do need more mental health clinics, it seems we are still in the dark ages when it comes to mental health, giving meds isn't enough, just my opinion.

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@Goldengate8361 Dahmer wasn't mentally ill. He was evil. All the mental health professionals in the world put together couldn't help him. There is no cure for someone like that. 

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Yes, providing mental healthcare  is an important factor , but seems to me from watching a prior  program abt him, his  problems began at an early age. This is when his parents should have noticed something  and  have provided him with  professional psychological care .  From other shows abt serial murderers  one can see  that  some of them had behavioral problems  beginning in childhood and some were abused .  Unfortunately , many parents don't want to acknowledge their child  has issues . Law enforcement   in this case  would have prevented additional murders by Dahmer if they had been more vigilant .  The success rate of  mental healthcare  for pedophiles   is very low. Who knows if there would even be a success  rate  in treating serial murderers such as Dahmer or Bundy or the rest of them . I am sure they have the psychiatrists  hard at work figuring out  the mind of Joseph De'Angelo the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker /Golden State Killer. Thank God, that Detectives  finally traced him down  after all these years .Law Enforcement is a necessary component  to solve murders .

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Registered: ‎07-26-2019


@Goldengate8361 wrote:

l look at it differently. Because of the example of Dahmer, we need to invest more in mental healthcare, making sure that every American has access to such healthcare

 I do think access to mental healthcare is very important. Sadly, I personally feel that people such as serial killers, rapists, child abusers and domestic abusers are never rehabilitated. 

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It's scarey to know there are more like him still out there stalking their prey.