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Certainly not for everyone, but Janet Planet is quirky, thoughtful, arty and unique.  Definitely not your cup of tea if you like action films.  I enjoyed it; it takes more than one watch to peel through the layers.


From IMDB:


In rural Western Massachusetts, 11-year-old Lacy spends the summer of 1991 at home, enthralled by her own imagination and the attention of her mother, Janet. As the months pass, three visitors enter their orbit, all captivated by Janet and her spellbinding nature. In her solitary moments, Lacy inhabits an inner world so extraordinarily detailed that it begins to seep into the outside world.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Janet Planet on HBO and Max

I watched Janet Planet and it left me void of reactions. I ended up searching online for the point of the plot. Too empty & over-artistic for me, if the point was ever really made. I think it could've been done better IMO. Not a favorite of mine & I won't watch it again.


I watched HBO's Rome marathon. I think it was a prerequisite to how Game of Thrones could be made.


I also watched HBO's Euphoria season 1. I remember thinking it was interesting the 1st time I watched it. This time, the extreme bad behaviors of the high school-age characters (drugs, violence, promiscuity) that were presented made me kind of mad. Teens watch Max/HBO too, and I'd hate to think of those characters as their role models. Just my opinion.

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Re: Janet Planet on HBO and Max

I could not get past 30 minutes.  I had heard good things about it the movie. I felt like I was watching paint dry.  JMO 

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Re: Janet Planet on HBO and Max

@Desert Lily wrote:

I watched Janet Planet and it left me void of reactions. I ended up searching online for the point of the plot. Too empty & over-artistic for me, if the point was ever really made. I think it could've been done better IMO. Not a favorite of mine & I won't watch it again.


I watched HBO's Rome marathon. I think it was a prerequisite to how Game of Thrones could be made.


I also watched HBO's Euphoria season 1. I remember thinking it was interesting the 1st time I watched it. This time, the extreme bad behaviors of the high school-age characters (drugs, violence, promiscuity) that were presented made me kind of mad. Teens watch Max/HBO too, and I'd hate to think of those characters as their role models. Just my opinion.


@Desert Lily  Re your comments on Euphoria (which I don't watch) HBO has ALWAYS had risque content.  That has always been part of this channel's identity.  I remember as a teenager in the 1970s, watching shows with sex scenes together with other friends in the home of my friend with cable.  I am not watching that much HBO recently, but in the more recent past I did watch the original Sex and the City and it had lots of sex and nudity.  Interesting they managed to edit out some of that content to show reruns in other family friendly channels.  Do you remember Girls?  Yes this is part of the HBO identity.

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Re: Janet Planet on HBO and Max

@NYCLatinaMe  I've been watching HBO for many years, and the programs do push the limits. However, Euphoria was about the lives of 15-16 year old high school students and presented extremely poor role models for teens. And I still feel that it was a poor choice for a limited series that teens could watch.

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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Janet Planet on HBO and Max

@NYCLatinaMe  I watched a few minutes of HBO's comedy series "Girls" that's on today and refreshed my memory about the series. That series was about adult women. The "Euphoria" drama series was all about children in high school and one younger. It was filled with much more violence, drug use, etc. A comparison between the 2 series is like apples to oranges.