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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

@KatieB wrote:

So you want to hear 'life as somebody other than Al Roker sees it', huh?????????  This make no sense what so ever..... 

@KatieB   Actually YES.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I haven't watched those morning shows since Katie Couric. I watch Morning Joe from 6-8.
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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

[ Edited ]

I used to watch the Today Show while getting ready for work but it went downhill after the Matt Laurer mess and in my opinion never recovered.  They keep trying to do damage control  with the constant family value pieces and hosts' personal stories.  The news is practically non-existent and I can't stomach the show.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I guess Al should just stay in his place and don't even think about advancing to other positions on the show or the network.  I have watched Al over the years  and not just on the Today Show and see no reason why he can't venture out and do something else. 


I saw him sharing his recipes and talking about the Keto diet and saw/heard nothing different from what others in the industry were sharing. I don't watch the Today Show every day but don't believe Al Roker would even fit into a "lousy pool of candidates" as he is talented and more than just a weather man. 

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

Al is actually not even a meteorologist  no school degree at all..... just a weather man. 

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Maybe when they waded through all of the perverts, he was left.

When the Matt Lauer stories began, I just stopped watching. He always had a sense of entitlement about him, but I never expected it to be so awful.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

@Krimpette wrote:

I used to watch GMA, but then they got Lara S.  IMHO she has ruined that show.  Now, it's mostly an entertainment show, with news as an aside.  It used to be the opposite, if I recall correctly.  I watch about the first 30 minutes of it, and that's about it.  


I never watch the Today show.......unless Jill Bauer is on!!!!Smiley Wink


@Krimpette, I never cared for Lara either.  I only see the first hour of GMA as I'm getting ready for work.  Lara is never on unless they show something coming up with her later in the show.  Not sure why or how she lost her desk position.


I still enjoy the show.  I think it's a nice mix of news, entertainment, human interest, etc.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

@chrystaltree wrote:



LOL  Now I'm going to laughing all night...

@chrystaltree @QVCkitty1 , I feel like I shouldn't be laughing but that did crack me up.  

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

stopped watching 18 yrs ago along with GMA,   Only watch Fox & Friends in the Mornings and Fox exclusively .  Matt Lauer  has always been an arrogant man,  no surprise what has come out. 

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I like Willie Geist and Craig Melvin. I too stopped watching every morning after Katie Couric left (I enjoy her daily newsletter - Wakeup Call). And I think Dylan (last name?) is full of herself!