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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

We are free to watch what ever we want.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

@bathina wrote:
I haven't watched those morning shows since Katie Couric. I watch Morning Joe from 6-8.

I watched Jane Pauley and Bryant Gumble way back when, along with Katie Couric.  I remember liking Matt Lauer when he first started out.  I tired of the constant teasers and never-ending commercial breaks.  

Morning Joe is way too early for me on the west coast.  

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I'm not a fan of the TodayShow either. I can't accept Hoda as a journalist after her stint with Kathi Lee.  I'll watch GMA but have to turn that off after a while because of the silliness on there too. 


I will say that the CBS Morning Show is not bad.  They seem to stick to the news with some feel good stores in there and no silly games or schmaltzy antics.  It calms me down in the morning.  


One show I can't tolerate is GMA3 .. Strahan, Sara and Keke.  They had a great show in the Chew and I feel like they're trying way to hard to replicate that show.  Just my opinion.  



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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I used to watch Today's 3rd Hour with Al and Tamron. Then they put on Megan Kelly & Al was a big part of why she got fired. He wrote emails to everyone at the top complaining about Megan saying it was ok to wear blackface with a Halloween costume. So Al got his 3rd Hour of Today back again. I think his power has led to an exaggerated self-importance. I think I heard he just got a 50 million contract for the next 5 years.

I stopped watching because of him and because I don't like to hear 4 or 5 people talking over each other.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

You have to give Al credit for capitalizing on his lack of ability into a lucrative career.


@SeaMaiden wrote:

  I do not understand why the weather man Al Roker is now their top person on the show.... why would I care what he thinks or the like?  They must have had a lousy pool of candidates for the job and he won.  I have nothing against the man... he does weather fine. But I do not want to listen to "life as Al Roker" sees it. 


 I guess he likes it as he has a new 5 year 50 million dollar contract with the network.... 


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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I stopped years ago. It just became too political for me

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

@deeva wrote:

I stopped watching when Ann Curry was fired. 

@deeva  - yeah, thanks to good old Matt Lauer  Smiley Mad He smiled at her as he stabbed her in the back. He went to kiss her goodbye and she turned her head so he couldn't. I loved her for doing that, showing him what she thought of him. (like he cared).

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I think Frank McGee and Barbara Walters were on the last time I was a regular viewer!  Edwin Newman was a regular too.
Watched a lot when Hugh Downs was on too.  
As a child, I watched Dave Garroway and J. Fred Muggs - sometimes they had his girlfriend on, Phoebe Beebe!  

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I haven't watched those network morning shows for years and years.  Not my thing.

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Re: I quit watching the Today Show

I turn on CBS news in the morning as I get ready for my day.  I want the news and not an entertainment show.