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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

We have DISH and can no longer get HBO.  I was told by a friend that the company who owns Direct pulled it as a competitive move.  The government should get involed in some of this stuff. 

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

@depglass wrote:

We have DISH and can no longer get HBO.  I was told by a friend that the company who owns Direct pulled it as a competitive move.  The government should get involed in some of this stuff. 



I live in Chicago and use Dish Network.  AT&T took over HBO/Cinemax end of October 2018.  I lost HBO back then and looks like will never return to Dish.


Here in our city ATT owns Direct TV and they still have HBO.  Learned that there was a lawsuit because ATT has a monopoly now on these channels which is illegal.  They made impossible requirements for Dish satellite to keep HBO.  The Dept of Justice became involved in lawsuit becaue of the illegality of the situation.  Last I heard DOJ was accused of siding with Dish Network.  In any event will not be able to learn anything until if/when lawsuit is settled.


Your subject here caught my eye because my Dish Network sent an email notice also recently offering an antenna to use for local channels like CBS, NBC, etc. free of charge.  However, then heard use of this antenna vs. paying Dish for transmitting these networks can result in loss of certain networks including PBS.  Public Broadcasting is one of my favorites.  Now I am wondering if this offer was made because Dish is aware of what you are experiencing and they may want to avoid that controversy also for themselves and their customers.


I agree with another poster here that all these providers are greedy for more money and do not care about consumers.


I did not even go into another thing happening with ATT where they are no longer offering inside wiring maintenance at $6.95 per month.  Will have to pay a $99 service fee for a visit if due to inside wire issues.  Lord help us all !!  Things keep getting more difficult for us.


Thanks for posting about this issue.  Helps to make sense of all the stories heard here.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

[ Edited ]

We have Dirctv, still get NBC but lost the CW. I have an over the air antenna so I still get that channel and all of the other local channels.

plus, I can watch most network tv shows on Hulu.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

I just kicked DirectTV to the curb on Sunday. We bought new TV’s and I had been thinking of getting rid of DirectTV for some time now. I simply got sick of the yearly rate hikes (they were going to raise my rates $65 a month, yes I tried to negotiate with them and all they wanted to offer me this year was free HBO for a year)  and I was already paying close to $100 for 60 channels that were nothing but infomercials and another 60 or so channels of music channels which I don’t listen to. So $150 a month wasn’t going to happen. So far I’m liking streaming. I signed up for HULU and I have antenna TV so now I get the content I want and I’m saving over $100 a month. 

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

@Kachina624 not everyone lives in an area that can pick up channels with an antenna...I have tried but we are not close enough to a large city.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

I have DirecTV and here the dispute is also with Nexstar but it's the Fox channel.  Sure, I could watch it over the air, but that's a pain, and I wouldn't be able to record to watch whenever I wanted to.  I'm not interested in cutting the cord because I like being able to channel surf.  Plus, you end up paying for all those streaming services.  Also, don't want to miss out on College Football.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

@aggravated wrote:

Here in Northern Virginia the NBC station has been making announcements that even if you are receiving their signal with an antenna you must reconfigure your television set as the signal is changing August 1.

I am in Northern VA and i lost NBC a couple of weeks ago. I have an over the air antenna and i have rescanned multiple times and can’t receive Channel 4 for more than a few seconds and then it is gone.  I have two tvs using too different antennas and neither can get the signal now.  Hope whatever they do is done soon and i can get them again.  I miss Lester Holt.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

I was in Rio Rancho and Son has Direct tv (so no CBS) and I get back to Show Low today (we have DISH) and no CBS!!  Guess I'll call DISH tomorrow and ask for a rate discount until they resolve this (it's usually $10 until they solve their negotiations.  TG it's not Fall, as some of my "shows" are on CBS.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

In PA, local CBS affiliates are no longer broadcast by Direct TV.

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Re: I just noticed our local NBC channel is gone............

@CrazyKittyLvr2 :  We didn't have access to CBS on Direct over weekend and now we don't get CBS in Show Low On Dish.  I called Dish, explained I have seen this done before and as a viewer I am getting less than I paid for.  I got a $5 credit over this issue and,once I had a supervisor on the phone, I changed to a "No Sports, No Spanish"pkg  and saved $40 a mth.  We can't use an antenna, as we are in the mtns, or I would be a cord cutter for sure.