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Posts: 240
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


I had originally not planned on seeing this movie. I had seen the trailer & I was afraid it was similar to Contagion (which in truth I did not see - it looked like something that really could happen & that kind of stuff kind of freaks me out in movies). Now that I've seen it there are a couple of things that should have made me go, one of which made me go today. First of all it was directed by Steven Soderberg who is a quality director (not that they don't direct some duds now & again) and a review that I read made me curious enough to investigate further. Now I have seen some movies that were well reviewed & afterwards I wondered if they saw the same movie I did but this one is different. Rooney Mara is married to Channing Tatum (in a minor but pivital role). He is just been released from jail & she is suffering from severe depression. She is prescribed medication & in the words of the reviewer, does something terrible & it just takes off from there. I have seen a lot of movies that I have figured out where they were going but I did not see what was coming in this one. It kind of makes you think twice about anti depressants but I have an open enough mind to see the pros & cons of it.. Jude Law (in a really good role) & Catherine Zeta-Jones are in it too. It was really good. I am so glad I went to see it!