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Registered: ‎03-16-2010
On 2/27/2015 game-on said:

Jordan... do you enjoy the fun that the 4 judges have? besides all the talent.... it seems like there is a lot of laughter.

It seems like they all get along very well. Adam and Blake have that bromance going! I hope the show doesn't ever change out Blake and Adam, I don't mind the substitutes for the other judges. I like Cristina but didn't mind Gwen and I also like Pharrell and Usher. I never really liked CeLo Green and don't miss him at all!

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Posts: 30,249
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I have only watched some of 1 show. It sounds a little rehearsed to me. My favorites are Gwen, Pharrell, Usher, Adam and sometimes Blake.