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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort wrote:

Now that Lucky is back and looks like he is a match to save Lulu, would someone (Psssst Carly) get him a comped room at the Metro Court with a hot shower, hair wash, maybe a shave and please clean clothes.  Just sayin....


It seems with what Lucky was saying to Lulu about forgiveness when she wakes up, he (his contract) will have him stick around for awhile.  Mend lots of bridges in PC.


So far love the young actor playing Aiden.  Good looking young man. 


Holly:  At this point in GH history, I can only take so much of the character.  Danger lurks as Sidwell and his minyons will be decending upon PC to recover his diamonds.  Whatever.  Holly let us know that Ethan is fine and not in trouble.  OK, good.  Therefore, I wish Holly would just connect with her contact (fence) dispose of the diamonds and go back to another con somewhere.  But alas...not to be.


Jason/Anna:  Jason kept mum about the kiss to Carly and so did Anna to Felicia.  Speaking of showers, etc....Felicia wants to "know all" before Anna can even bathe, change clothes and take a little nappy poo.  Sure that's what I would do with my BFF. LOL



When will these people EVER learn that when a person tries to kill you and then you get rescued, don't knock the person out and leave. Finish the job and kill the killer first before you leave. Otherwise, that guy will always show up in Port Charles and create murder and mayhem.. Seriously. How many times has this happened. Also, Holly, when you're holding a gun on your assailant, do not turn your head away to answer your comrade. That's elementary self defense. 

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort wrote:

@Laura14 wrote:

@mysoutherncomfort wrote:

@Laura14 wrote:


Cyrus Hobbi (@cyhobbi) ā€¢ Instagram photos and videos


There is no GH in October until Thursday, October 3rd! Grab your man and break into Alexis' liquor cabinet while she's gone and let's all shelter in place together.


#GHThreadCares Heart

Yuri, my dear, don't get upset. @mysoutherncomfort is here to soothe you and help glide you over this "time out".  I will see to our comfort and have the top shelf vodka chilling with my secret stuffed olives.  Perhaps we should take a dip in the Q pool to relax.......

@mysoutherncomfort Just make sure Drew doesn't show up. You may get distracted and fall in love. Willow used to be in a cult so watch the knives in case she intends to fight for him. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”Ŗ

Distracted by Drew?  I know you are jesting.  A mosquito would distract me infinately more than Drew. I would "fight" for the mosquito before, if ever, fighting for Drew.  Here you go, Willow..... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Willow seems to have no taste in men. She could have had chase, but "fell" for boring Michael instead. Now it's Drew who is not only boring, but obnoxious. The original Drew was nothing like this.

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

@Renata22 wrote:


You've been peeking in to my mind! You said almost everything I was thinking about yesterday's show.Woman Very Happy

Al least we didn't have to deal with Sonny...or did we? I am getting to the point where I leave the room when he is in a scene. I am so tired of this character, a gangster and murderer who can't tolerate anyone who crosses him, but seems to cross everyone else. The permanent scowl on his face is getting old as well. Time for the actor to retire. Maybe one of Sonny's many kids can take over as the Don of Port Charles.


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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included





Emma Samms (Holly) hasnā€™t crossed paths on-screen with her General Hospital co-star Evan Hofer (Dex), but behind the scenes, Hoferā€™s graciousness has made a strong impression on her.


Whatā€™s Mine Is Yours

The subject came up when Digest told Samms how many different interviewees have made mention of how happy they are to have her back on the show, a list that includes Kristina Wagner (Felicia) and Finola Hughes (Anna). ā€œOh, thatā€™s really lovely to hear,ā€ she said. ā€œBecause you never know! I certainly donā€™t ever presume that people are thrilled that Iā€™m back for another stint. They donā€™t have to be! They may not like the story, they may just not be happy Iā€™m there. I just canā€™t ever assume [they would be]. So when people are so kind and gracious and welcoming and fun to be around and to work with, that for me is always a complete bonus.ā€


Then Samms made mention of Hofer and his kindness toward her. ā€œIā€™ve got a nice little story which deserves to be told,ā€ she began. ā€œThey put me into the same dressing room as I was in last time, mostly because itā€™s close to the elevator and itā€™s close to the restroom and, you know, all those things that Iā€™m unfortunately requiring these days,ā€ she said, referencing her ongoing battle with Long Covid. When she entered the dressing room, she continued, ā€œThere were a bunch of things in there from another actor, which is not unusual at all. And so I just presumed that that actor wasnā€™t around at the moment, and that thatā€™s why they put me in there. The name on the door was Evan Hofer, and I just presumed that he wasnā€™t working and didnā€™t have a story at the moment.ā€


Soon, she realized that was far from the case. ā€œI was sitting in the makeup room and a delightful young man comes up and says, ā€˜Oh, I just wanted to let you know that youā€™re in my dressing room, which Iā€™m delighted about.ā€™ He says, ā€˜And if you would like some tea, thereā€™s a whole selection in the top drawer on the left.ā€™ And I went, ā€˜Well, wait a minute! Youā€™re working at the moment?! Why arenā€™t you in your dressing room?ā€™ And he said, ā€˜Because Frank [Valentini, executive producer] asked if it would be okay if you were in there whilst you were here.ā€™ ā€


Samms continues, ā€œI said, ā€˜What?! So youā€™re in a different room, youā€™re not in your dressing room, because Iā€™m in your dressing room?!ā€™ And he said, ā€˜Honestly, itā€™s completely fine, itā€™s my pleasure.ā€™ I said, ā€˜Youā€™re so nice about it ā€” I would be outraged if someone took my dressing room!ā€™ He said, ā€˜No, no, of course.ā€™ I said, ā€˜Youā€™re so kind!ā€™ He said, ā€˜Well, Iā€™m from Kansas.ā€™ And I just said, ā€˜Well, that is the most gracious, kind thing. How incredibly delightful of you to have done that. And I am so grateful. So every time I see him now, Iā€™m completely filled and wracked with guilt that heā€™s, you know, been asked to move out of his dressing room and heā€™s done it with such good grace! I mean, how lovely is that?ā€


The actress marvels, ā€œAll the stories that you hear about ā€” not on General Hospital, but about people in the business becoming entitled and taking things for granted ā€¦ It certainly could not be further from the truth in regards to that young man. So I feel he deserves to have all the plaudits and public thanks for just being so kind and gracious. Heā€™s been raised right, that young man. And every time I run into him, I just hang my head in shame [laughs]!ā€


And yes, she has taken him up on his offer to take advantage of his tea selection, which she deems ā€œvery good. I very much appreciate it!ā€

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Guess who's back tomorrow?


GH is back! Let's get ready for October! 


(Sorry @RainCityWoman  Smiley Sad)


GH Sonny.jfif

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

@Laura14 wrote:

Guess who's back tomorrow?


GH is back! Let's get ready for October! 


(Sorry @RainCityWoman  Smiley Sad)


GH Sonny.jfif

It will be my cross to bear. At least he's smiling in this picture.

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Yesterday I missed The View because of the mess in the Mid East. Then I missed GH due to the playoffs. I wonder why they don't pre empt some other later program once in a while and show GH a few hours later? I know...wishful thinking.

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

very unhappy abc decided to preempt gh with baseball

put these sports on espn which are both owned by disney and espn has several channels abc only one



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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Just read on line that Ron Hale passed away I am not sure what part he played on GH, but I think I remember him from one life to live 

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

I live in Northern New Jersey and watch GH on channel 7- WABC.  I was going through the tv guide to see what was on and it said GH will be on at 2 o'clock instead on the usual 3 o'clock.  The show description did seem to be a new show so I guess they are putting it on early because of baseball.  Just wanted to let  you know if you get this channel it will be on an hour earlier that usual if the guide is right.