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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

@grandma r wrote:

Ok, I know I'm old, however, Alexis' choice of shoes with business attire bothers me.  Of course, her low cut tops annoy me too.  She should be dressed professionally.  I assume Sam wears extremely high heels because the actress is short.  Not sure who does her wardrobe, but, it could be better.

 Hopefully Michael's brain is starting to work.  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a probably is a duck.

 I hope they don't drag this Jason twin story out for months!!!! 

And, of course, Ava just wants her looks back.

 Something about this new doc at GH doesn't add up.  Not sure why yet, but, something just feels off.


**I agree about the females' wardrobes.  It does seem that no one has heard about the invention of the bra!!

**Am sure that the Jason storyline will go until at least the November sweeps....

**I don't like that new doc either.  He gives me the "creepy doc" feeling!

**Am sure that the Nelle story line will drag out until

November too.


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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

@grandma r I think Alexis and Sam wear those shoes to attract guys to watch the soap. The same with all the low cut tops and dresses. Remember, college kids watch soaps and the networks love that audience. Is it inappropriate, I think so but we are not the target audience. We've been watching the soap since the beginning and personally, I think we're the ones that are keeping the soap from being canceled. The new doc (Dr. Bensch) is another alum from One Life To Live. He and his wife were both on that soap (Kassie DePaiva who played Blair and James DePaiva played Max Holden) I think Kassie was even on GH for a second. As far as Michael, I've had it with his storylines. It's gotten so stupid but then again, as I always say "It's a soap, so it can be stupid and ridiculous". Remember, on the movie "Soap" a characters head was cut off from an accident and the studio wanted to bring that character back. Whoopie Goldberg's character, one of the writers for that soap said and I'm paraphrasing, "His head was cut off, he can't be brought back". So, anything goes.

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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

Well, wonder what that doctor will do with Ava..give her the  shot horse serum?? lol!


Wimpy doctor..acting..should i cry or not?what should i do? lol!




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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

Preempted 15 minutes into the show today. Vegas update. Guess I'll be watching On Demand in the wee hours of the morning. 

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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

Pathetic acting by all associated with that clinic!


How did Griffin get thru all the supposed security and find Ava's room?????  Seriously?????


Enough with Nina and Val;  we get the idea!


Finn and Anna are obviously going to get busted!

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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

I know I am not the most devout Catholic, but I am pretty sure there are not many Catholic churces in RUSSIA!!!  So convenient for Jason, but I am smh!!!

At least the Priest gave him some shoes so we do not have to see those gnarly feet of his any more!!!  YIKES!!!


Hopefully since Griffin got the doc, Ava will be out of there and we do not have to see any of those day players again!!!

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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

@redwingsgal wrote:

I know I am not the most devout Catholic, but I am pretty sure there are not many Catholic churces in RUSSIA!!!  So convenient for Jason, but I am smh!!!

At least the Priest gave him some shoes so we do not have to see those gnarly feet of his any more!!!  YIKES!!!


Hopefully since Griffin got the doc, Ava will be out of there and we do not have to see any of those day players again!!!

I thought that church was a Russian Orthodox church?  



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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

@grandma r wrote:

Pathetic acting by all associated with that clinic!


How did Griffin get thru all the supposed security and find Ava's room?????  Seriously?????


Enough with Nina and Val;  we get the idea!


Finn and Anna are obviously going to get busted!

When that happened I actually said out loud "oh come on."  LOL 


I fast forwarded through much of the show.  Don't care about Nina and Val, don't care about Jason and Sam and don't care about Alexis and Dr. Creeper.  

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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

I'm ready for Jason to lose the blue shirt and get back to his black tight tshirt days.


I need my Jason back!

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Re: General Hospital ~ October 2017 Thread, Spoilers

AAAHHHHHHH, thanks @Lipstickdiva!  Now it makes sense!!!

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