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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Laura14 wrote:

@RainCityWoman HeartSmiley Happy

Back atcha.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Wsmom wrote:

With the rumors swirling that Michael Easton is leaving, can we hope he is taking Violet with him and not just checking into rehab and leaving her behind with Chase or Elizabeth?  She seems to be such a pet of Valentini I am afraid she will be sticking around.

I heard the rumor about Michael Easton, but I seem to remember that there was another departure pending. I just don't remember who it was?

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Wsmom wrote:

With the rumors swirling that Michael Easton is leaving, can we hope he is taking Violet with him and not just checking into rehab and leaving her behind with Chase or Elizabeth?  She seems to be such a pet of Valentini I am afraid she will be sticking around.

And by the way, what did they do with her mother? She just sort of disappeared into cyberspace, never to be seen again.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Wsmom I tried to find some evidence of this rumor and I got nothing. If he does go and leave her behind, Violet needs to take her bouquet and find a nice Q closet. 


She's adorable, but I am missing Robert, Diane, and others who have earned their right to more screen time. 

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@RainCityWoman wrote:

@Wsmom wrote:

With the rumors swirling that Michael Easton is leaving, can we hope he is taking Violet with him and not just checking into rehab and leaving her behind with Chase or Elizabeth?  She seems to be such a pet of Valentini I am afraid she will be sticking around.

And by the way, what did they do with her mother? She just sort of disappeared into cyberspace, never to be seen again.

@RainCityWoman I want to say it was strongly implied that Victor had her with Drew in the Cassadine prison (there was that blood curdling female scream that no one ever told us who it was) and then nothing. She's probably sipping tea with Helena. 

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

This is from not the most reliable rumor site, but I for one do not need a tissue for fake Jagger if it's true:




That brings us to some interesting news about the cast pics that we should address since viewers are buzzing about it on social media.


Although both Michael Easton (Hamilton Finn) and Adam J. Harrington (John ā€œJaggerā€ Cates) participated in the photoshoot and got pictures as singles, they were excluded from the group pics being used as key art to promote the show.


Of course, there have already been some predictions about Michael Eastonā€™s potential GH exit based on some insider rumblings and other clues, so this could be another hint that Easton is out.


Itā€™s odd for the show to not use a major vet whoā€™s been around for years alongside all their other contract players for group promotional photos.


Maybe itā€™s because Easton wonā€™t be part of the cast moving forward.


As for Adam J. Harrington, itā€™s possible the show just didnā€™t consider him an established enough face for the key art, but itā€™s equally possible heā€™s become a victim of cast cuts.


Thereā€™s a chance Harrington could be headed for the exit door as well, especially now that the show's making adjustments to the writing team and trying to clean up some messes behind the scenes.


All the Pikeman drama will probably be wrapping up sooner rather than later, so will that lead to Agent Cates being written out?


Time will tell, but we wouldnā€™t be surprised if John ended up departing the show at that point.

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Laura14 @Tique and all:  OK, I'm out in left field as to what is going on.  Seems y'all know about (if I'm correct) another blog that @Tique is starting to host along with our @Laura14's current GH blog and there is banter about the two blogs and whether both will be allowed.


I may be the only person who has ONLY been/shared on one blog and that is this thread that @Tique hosted (brava!!!) and when she "retired" our @Laura14 took over (again, brava!!!).


Both ladies are phenomenal!  Since I am a "one blogger poster person" (we can discuss that term later), I will be staying on this thread no matter who is willing to host/hostess the mostess. 


I joined this thread because I am a GH "lifer" and like to discuss the ongoing S/L's, characters, actors, etc.  And too, enjoy the extended "family feeling" and happy to share with each other from time to time in the good, bad and ugly of our respective lives.


I truly hope I am making sense in this post.  Love y'all!!



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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

Wow, Ava is a piece of work, isn't she? On many levels...


Did Finn forget he and Elizabeth are mandated reporters of child endangerment and abuse? But, of course, there was Peter and that whole freezer thing.


Even the Police Commissioner doesn't know about statute periods. I'll bet Brennan does.


I think the groundwork has been laid by Valentin to set up Ava or is working in concert with her to disbar all the lawyers while they run Pikeman. 


Gio is so becoming Jason in training once Sonny makes him have an accident that hurts his hands. Rinse and repeat...


Where is Tracy with the invasion of Bensonhurst central into her mother's Rose gardens? The one liners are just making themselves up. 



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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

@Laura14 I am so happy you decided to continue the monthly thread. Smiley Very Happy I really enjoy your writing style and spoilers etc. I look forward to your thread every day.  Thank you for all the work you put into keeping us informed and for calling out the writers when they should know better. Take care. Heart

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Re: General Hospital šŸ„ May 2024 - Spoilers Included

I refuse to believe this has been 30 years! Smiley Surprised From the late Claire Lebine and the actors that brought the greatest, realistic soap storyline ever written to life. 






May 23, 2024 14:30PM

Brighton Hertford, Brad Maule


Little Girl Lost: Tony (Brad Maule) said a tragic good-bye to daughter B.J. (Brighton Hertford, l.), then listened to her heart beating in his niece Maxieā€™s chest.


Thirty years ago this week, General Hospital brought one of its most poignant stories to the screen when little B.J. Jones (Brighton Hertford) was killed in a school bus crash, and her heart was transplanted into her young cousin, Maxie Jones, who was in desperate need of the life-saving operation as she battled Kawasaki syndrome. The beautifully crafted storyline was lauded ā€” and has long been remembered by fans ā€” for its emotional sensitivity and power, and for the beautiful performances rendered by actors like Brad Maule (ex-Tony), Jacklyn Zeman (ex-Bobbie), Kristina Wagner (Felicia) and Jack Wagner (ex-Frisco).


GH Sets The Stage

The plot officially kicked off on February 22, when Felicia first learned that her daughter, Maxie, had spiked a dangerously high fever of 104. On March 10, Maxie was diagnosed with Kawasaki syndrome, which by the end of April led to congestive heart failure.


Feliciaā€™s fiancĆ©, Mac, took off in the hopes of tracking down Maxieā€™s dad, Frisco, who was on assignment with the WSB. He was successful, and the two men returned to Port Charles, where time was running out for Maxie to receive a heart transplant.


Opposite this, the marriage of Tony (Friscoā€™s brother) and Bobbie was in great jeopardy as Bobbieā€™s dangerous attraction to Damian blossomed. The same day their little girl, B.J., was going on a school field trip, Tony discovered Bobbie and Damian sharing a passionate kiss in a hospital stairwell and decked Damian. Little did they know that at that exact moment, the school bus B.J. was riding was involved in a catastrophic accident.


Miguel extracted B.J. from the wreckage and she was rushed to G.H.

Nurse Amy Vining recognized the incoming patient and raced off to locate Bobbie and Tony, who were devastated when informed of B.J.ā€™s condition. Tony examined his daughter and somberly realized that she was brain-dead ā€” and could be a donor match for Maxie. He persuaded Bobbie to approve the transplant and, heartbroken, she said a final farewell to her daughter.


Tony brought Monica up to speed, asking her not to let Frisco and Felicia know that it was B.J.ā€™s heart Maxie would receive. While Tony said good-bye to B.J. at her bedside, Frisco and Felicia celebrated the apparent miracle in store for Maxie, but their good spirits vanished when Lucyā€™s slip of the tongue revealed to Felicia that Maxie was getting B.J.ā€™s heart, which Tony confirmed to his brother.


Over Monicaā€™s objections, Tony insisted on being on the surgical team assisting Monica with the transplant. On May 19, after listening to his daughterā€™s heart beating in his nieceā€™s chest, Tony delivered the news to his family that the transplant was successful. When he returned home, Tony angrily threw Bobbie out of the brownstone. Mac, meanwhile, called off his engagement to Felicia, certain she still loved Frisco.


A Lasting Legacy

Reflecting on the success and impact of the storyline, Jackie Zeman told Digest in 2015, ā€œThat was a case of everything clicking and the stars aligning to create something memorable ā€” the writing, the performances, the directing, it all worked so beautifully. To this day, people still tell me how much the story affected them, how deeply they felt it. It was a heartbreaking story; the death of a child is the saddest, most horrifying thing to imagine. As Bobbie, I had B.J. before I had my daughters. I had all the drawings and watercolors Brighton Hertford made for me when she was a little girl up in my dressing room before my real kids were ever born. She was the sweetest, cutest little girl and we had real history together, so it was hard not to feel the emotions Bobbie had to feel or to cry the tears Bobbie cried.


A lot of the performances you saw were instinctual, from Brad Maule, from Kristina [Wagner]. The week we shot that, it was long hours, long days, and exhausting. We were all running on fumes. That kind of material is hard to shake; even though itā€™s not real and you know itā€™s not real, your body doesnā€™t know the difference, and it really kind of wipes you out. Especially because I had young kids, it was a hard story to take on. As a parent, it feels very close to home, and itā€™s a scary thing to let your mind wander to. But we all wanted to do a great job and honor the material we were given because it was so beautifully written and so fantastic.


And I was also mourning my relationship with Brighton, which I didnā€™t want to lose. She was the first person to ever call me Mommy! That gets to you, you know? I definitely cried real tears because I was so sad to be losing that relationship, having that time with her every day at the studio. I always remember how cute it was when we finished shooting one of the very dramatic scenes and she said, ā€˜You dripped on me!ā€™ My tears had dripped down and gotten her face all wet.ā€


In a 2019 interview with Digest, Brad Maule recalled the pivotal moment that Tony listened to B.J.ā€™s heart beating in Maxieā€™s chest. ā€œWe shot it at the end of the day, and we had run out of time,ā€ he began. ā€œSo, they were like, ā€˜Do you guys think you could just shoot this?ā€™ They blocked it, but then they said, ā€˜Can we shoot the rehearsal?ā€™ Jackie and I and all those people, I donā€™t want to brag, but weā€™re kind of pros, so we were like, ā€˜Yeah, letā€™s go for it!ā€™ And they did. So those were rehearsals that we shot ā€” and we shot them out of order, so B.J. was dead for my first scene and then she was alive and dying for the next scenes, so all your emotions were twisted all over the place.


And when we shot where I leaned over to listen to her heart, my brother had had open-heart surgery and I was thinking, ā€œā€™What if that was his heart, and I could hear him again?ā€™ So, I had something to go on as an actor from that. And just imagine, if your childā€™s gone and you could hear their heart beating, ticking away, what it would mean to you. Thatā€™s all. I didnā€™t have to act. All I had to do was lean over and listen. The more meat on the bone in terms of writing, the less you need to bring to the table.ā€


The following year, he told Digest, ā€œOver the years, I had watched the scene where I lay my head down on Maxie and all that, and my scenes with Jackie, but I hadnā€™t watched ā€” or had forgotten about ā€” tell- ing Jack [as Frisco], the scene where he is all excited and happy about getting the heart [Maxie needs] and I say, ā€˜Well, you know, itā€™s my daughterā€™s heart.ā€™ He was so good, you know? Jack is a really good actor, so he didnā€™t always have to dip real deep inside himself, because he just knows how to do it, and heā€™s a star. But that day, it seemed like, to me, he dug deeper than he had to do. I donā€™t know, it was just really good. I am one of those people where if the person Iā€™m working with is really good, then itā€™s really easy for me to step up to the plate. And they make me better. And I feel like all of those scenes helped me as an actor, actually, all those people. Kristina [Wagner, Felicia] was really good in that aspect, too.ā€


Kristina Wagner echoed Mauleā€™s sentiment about playing the scenes from a place of instinct. ā€œIā€™m not going to discount the acting in that performance, but by that time, weā€™re talking the fourth or fifth day of showing up to work and crying and crying and crying; everyone was exhausted and it helped,ā€ she told Digest in 2013. ā€œThatā€™s one of the advantages of doing a soap opera. Youā€™re tired when youā€™re doing a storyline like that and the tears come so easily and the emotion is just so real and raw. It was a special scene [when Felicia learns the identity of Maxieā€™s heart donor and sinks to the floor]. I remember asking them, ā€˜Can I sit down when I find out?ā€™ They said, ā€˜All right, letā€™s try it.ā€™ I said, ā€˜I just feel like thatā€™s what would happen. Wouldnā€™t you just go down?ā€™ So we tried it and it worked and they liked it.ā€


While Brighton Hertford was just a child when she filmed the scenes of her characterā€™s demise, they loom large in her memory. She tells Digest, ā€œI called Jackie my other mommy or my second mom, and I [was close to] Brad, too. I remember that they wanted to use a body double, or they suggested using a body double for the times when B.J. was in a coma. I was like, ā€˜No! This is B.J., but me and B.J., weā€™re one and the same. I am her and sheā€™s me, and this is my part.ā€™ I also remember them being like, ā€˜Okay, Brighton, you canā€™t be crying while these people are saying their good-byes because youā€™re not really here, youā€™re in a coma.ā€™ But those good-byes were so, so real to me.ā€


She is proud that the storyline looms so large in the memory of the GH fan base. ā€œItā€™s an honor,ā€ she declares. ā€œEspecially when you think about how much good content there is out there, you know what I mean? These people who are working on soaps and giving those performances on a daily basis, just dropping in and being authentic, I mean, wow.


And to have this be revered as one of the top stories in the larger canon of all of soap operas is a huge, huge honor. I have been aware of it over the years and I think itā€™s really cool that something that was such a big part of my life and so special and really kind of changed a lot for me in my life was a big thing for other people, as well. I was stopped in the grocery store and in post offices and people would cry because the story had impacted them so much, and thatā€™s really neat.


And one of the biggest things that stuck out to me, especially as an adult looking back on it, was that they talked about the importance of being an organ donor and at the end of the episode, they put up [information about how to become an organ donor]. I mean, what a giant heart hug that was, to know that may have inspired people to become organ donors. I thought that was so incredible of General Hospital to do, to make that a focus alongside the storyline. Itā€™s really beautiful.ā€