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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

This definitely dates me, but I am tickled to see Monica’s replacement, Patty Mccormack. She is known for her great movie, The Bad Seed(1956), where she plays eight year old Rhoda, a sweet looking sociopath and killer. It is one of my all time favorite  movies. It also featured wonderful character actors Eileen Heckart, Henry Jones, The movie is so good! I still see the evil in her eyes!!

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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

@Laura14 wrote:

@Lipstickdiva  Believe it or not, that's done in hospitals and doctor's offices today although the hospital wasn't as fancy.  They were still doing whiteboard and marker.  As long as it is not within public view and it's not too specific, it doesn't fall under HIPPA but I get the point!  Smiley Very Happy  

Our local hospital used to do the whiteboard and marker as well.  They  had every room number on it for that particular floor, the patient name and the doctor.  Anyone coming to the floor could see the board.  They quit that a few years ago.


But I was more or less thinking about the charts lying around as a HIPPA violation, not so much the board.  But everything GH does is sloppy from the IV's just out in the open on carts to be grabbed or tampered with by anyone, to the carts full of pills that are just left there for anyone to grab or again tamper with.  LOL 





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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

@redwingsgal wrote:

I know that Leslie Charleson is recovering from a medical injury, but who in the heck cast her replacement??  

Was my shoelace already booked????    SMH

@redwingsgal Wasn't she awful? Benefit of the doubt...those lines had already been written for Leslie Charles, and her style of delivery--but still!


Of course, Leslie could probably wing it in any situation with Monica. She's been playing her so long she likely could do it without a script!


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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Laura14 wrote:

@WildDunes wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I'm still confused.  So Griffin runs a paternity test on Peter.  He has the results delivered home instead of leaving them at the hospital where he will be 15 minutes after they are home delivered.  He then leaves them lying around for everyone and anyone to peak into.


Ava, unable to control herself, looks at the papers.  However, they showed Griffin putting stickers on the initial paternity test documents that just said Patient A and Patient B.  So regardless of who sees this stuff, how are they going to know who these patients are?


For some reason, Ava takes a photo of the documents which Nell then forwards to her own phone because of course Ava walked away and left her phone lying on the table.  And of course her phone isn't locked like everyone elses' phone on the planet.  Now she's blackmailing Ava by threatening to tell Griffin that Ava has that info. on her phone. 


And while Griffin would be upset about Ava doing that, who cares when neither of them know who the patients are?     

Even though he put stickers on the names, I seem to recall that there was something like a medical record number on the forms. Recall thinking at the time that that would come back to haunt someone. 

@Lipstickdiva  Griffin would be in trouble because of HIPPA.  Even without the personal information being right on the form, it is a serious breach for any unauthorized person to have your medical records in hand. 


MAJOR consequences for Griffin and GH if Peter/Henrick ever finds out especially since Griffin did the test without patient authorization.  Another HUGE no no in the medical field. 


I was thinking eventually Ava or Nell would overhear a snippet of conversation that would link back to the test results and easily id who the person is that Griffin knew about and tested.  

I think we can all agree that GH isn't the least bit concerned with HIPPA.  They have those huge computerized boards on the floors with patient names on them and then there are the medical charts that are lining the hallway for anyone and everyone to grab and look at.  ROFLOL     

I think over the years we know that General Hospital IS synonymous with HIPPA violations of a wide variety. Griffin and the illegal DNA comparisons trotted home to Ava's. Brad's many manipulations of DNA. Nurse Amy blurting out private information to anyone who listens. People getting into the hospital computer, when NO ONE is even at the head desk. People getting into patient rooms and trying to smother patients. It's notorious.

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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

Every soap watcher knows it is necessary to suspend logic while watching any soap.  


If anyone actually thinks these soap writers follow rules, I have some Diamonique I'd like to sell them for a few thousand dollars.....heh!

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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers


heck..patients never have i'v's or oxygen after surgery,


preds 06-21-20
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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

@vermint wrote:

@redwingsgal wrote:

I know that Leslie Charleson is recovering from a medical injury, but who in the heck cast her replacement??  

Was my shoelace already booked????    SMH

@redwingsgal Wasn't she awful? Benefit of the doubt...those lines had already been written for Leslie Charles, and her style of delivery--but still!


Of course, Leslie could probably wing it in any situation with Monica. She's been playing her so long she likely could do it without a script!


I think she was trying to deliver her lines the way Leslie does.  It must be the acting director or coach or whatever it is there.  There are a few of them who deliver their lines that way.  Three words...pause...three words...pause.  

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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

"Charlie" (I need a bag to upchuck every time I hear it Smiley Frustrated) and Kim open the show in the malt shop.  She has her ponytail but is missing her poodle skirt and bobby socks. 


Anyone else waiting for John Travolta and the Grease gang to waltz in and do their number for the Nurses Ball?  If these two skip back to the bar, @Preds I may have to forfeit my good deed here.  I live in the South and unless I hit into the moonshine there is not enough alcohol stocked in the Bible Belt for me to stomach this anymore.


I do give Kim a pass though for her toddler son.  Oscar does remind me of someone from kindergarten.  Puberty hasn't hit yet.  Good thing he is nice or you could dye his hair green and pop him out of a trash can for kids' parties.


Sonny is not this stupid.  As someone living with mental illness, let's step up the smarts and figure the snake out.


With all this foreshadowing, this baby shower better blow my socks off.  I better land on the Q's front lawn.  I'm not expecting it but they have sure built it up enough.


Lucas!  Finally uncovered the rock.  Always liked this character and the actor and shame on GH for not utilizing him more.  Can't wait for Brad to be drummed out of town for colluding with Nell and then we can have Lucas and single fatherhood.  The baby will be a clone of Helena and we can have the demon seed running all over PC.  Calling it now, he/she will be the new serial killer to thin out some useless cast members.  GH is overdue for a serial murder story and "Chucky/Chuckette" would be priceless.  


Of course the kid will get off when Diane brings in Faison's brain and tells the court mindwaves made the baby do it and Kevin has since developed a technique to block them.  Chucky/Chuckette is now normal until the teen years when the hormones hit.  Together with Nell's kid, Bonnie and Clyde ride again.   Unless the adoption falls through and Brad kidnaps Nell's kid in which case you have a natural born Chuckette and the same future storyline.  


That little bit was more exciting than anything you watched today.  You're welcome!  Smiley Very Happy


One more GH before two whole days off!  Party!  Party!  



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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

I so want something to happen, I seriously cannot wait to see what that gift is that Nell told Ava she has to give to her at the baby shower.  LOL  Any guesses?  


I don't know why Ava doesn't tell Nell to go get bent.  Call Nell's bluff.  As stupid as they are making Carly through this in not figuring out Nell is driving her nuts, I don't see Ava sitting back and taking this from Nell either.



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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2018 Thread, Spoilers

I used to watch GH every day, then got busy raising a family.  It's only been within a year or so that I've picked back up.


I can't remember much history (things change anyway); but I'm wondering ...... has that old Dr who's so creepy around Ava's daughter (KiKi...what a name) always been a creep or is this new?  I'm too lazy to look this up!.