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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

I have finally decided who Billy Miller keeps reminding me of, Burt Lancaster (what do you think?):

Billy Miller

Burt Lancaster Photo

Burt Lancaster

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Becki ... You are right! He does.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/6/2015 pepes mom said: Maybe Heather cooked up a huge vat of LSD Homebrew, dumped it in the water supply of Port Chuckles and the past year and a half have been one interesting LSD trip through the eyes of different characters.

Hahaha ... Sounds better than any of the current stories!

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Who is burt Lancaster? Was he on gh

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/8/2015 Ladybug724 said:

Who is burt Lancaster? Was he on gh

No, I guess I am just getting old, LOL. He is from the classic days of Hollywood and an Academy Award winner.

It's Billy's eyes that made me think of Burt. I saw clips from the movie Elmer Gantry on TCM last night and immediately thought "Billy"!


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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Of course Ava is still alive. Any time someone on a Soap takes a plunge over a precipice, whether it's water or land, you can definitely assume that though authorities can't find them, some mysterious force rescues them and holds them till they are ready to unleash them on society one more time.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/8/2015 RainCityGirl said:

Of course Ava is still alive. Any time someone on a Soap takes a plunge over a precipice, whether it's water or land, you can definitely assume that though authorities can't find them, some mysterious force rescues them and olds them till they are ready to unleash them on society one more time.

That's for sure! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Speaking of billy, I think he is a good actor and very handsome, yes he does resemble Burt L.who was a fine actor. I like Billy as Jason[Jake] .tucka.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/8/2015 BeckiWV said:

I have finally decided who Billy Miller keeps reminding me of, Burt Lancaster (what do you think?):

Billy Miller

Burt Lancaster Photo

Burt Lancaster

I think you are right about Jake looking like Burt L. I grew up out of the US and one year, Burt was in our country filming a movie. His kids attended our American school. My family belonged to a golf/pool club where we frequently saw Burt and family. He was such a nice man and so good looking and handsome....those eyes, those eyes!!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,412
Registered: ‎04-12-2011

Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/8/2015 corita said:
On 2/8/2015 BeckiWV said:

I have finally decided who Billy Miller keeps reminding me of, Burt Lancaster (what do you think?):

Billy Miller

Burt Lancaster Photo

Burt Lancaster

I think you are right about Jake looking like Burt L. I grew up out of the US and one year, Burt was in our country filming a movie. His kids attended our American school. My family belonged to a golf/pool club where we frequently saw Burt and family. He was such a nice man and so good looking and handsome....those eyes, those eyes!!

That is so awesome that you got to know him and that he was a nice man. I agree, it is definitely those eyes! Smiley Happy