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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Twenty year old bones. Lukes fingerprints match, Sonny free and Michael angry again. Good gosh ... this just went from bad to worse. Maybe Patricia is alive and well and living in Lukes body.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/6/2015 SydneyH said:

How did Sonny get out of the water?

Funny you should mention that. It's another jaw dropper. It looked like police divers who fished him out, and then they pronounced him dead. Carly and Michael were left by themselves on the dock with the body which they proceeded to revive. No ambulance, coroner, or anything was called in by the divers. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/6/2015 RainCityGirl said:
On 2/6/2015 SydneyH said:

How did Sonny get out of the water?

Funny you should mention that. It's another jaw dropper. It looked like police divers who fished him out, and then they pronounced him dead. Carly and Michael were left by themselves on the dock with the body which they proceeded to revive. No ambulance, coroner, or anything was called in by the divers. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?

And after being pronounced dead and then being revived by Carly, he appears to be perfectly fine! Just ridiculous. Did anyone see there's a poll on to vote which character the audience wants brought back next?

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Fluke is Luke????????? Seriously, if this is the best they can do in over a year, it is time to get new writers!!!!!!!!! How many more of the "not so dead" do they plan to revive???? Yes, I know it's a soap, but, they have lost every shred of credibility. Yes, the divers just left the body on the docks, and, Sloane didn't even send divers to look for Ava. And, how does Sabrina just happen to have the right equipment and meds for Johnny?????? And, how does Heather manage to concoct her own LSD? Bizarre but not entertaining.
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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Maybe Heather cooked up a huge vat of LSD Homebrew, dumped it in the water supply of Port Chuckles and the past year and a half have been one interesting LSD trip through the eyes of different characters.
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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Unfortunately I think Ava is still alive....ugh!

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/6/2015 RainCityGirl said:
On 2/6/2015 SydneyH said:

How did Sonny get out of the water?

Funny you should mention that. It's another jaw dropper. It looked like police divers who fished him out, and then they pronounced him dead. Carly and Michael were left by themselves on the dock with the body which they proceeded to revive. No ambulance, coroner, or anything was called in by the divers. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?

I agree, I thought that was sooooo stupid. No emergency workers, including divers, would just go off and leave a body like that for the family to try to revive. They probably wouldn't let the family be handling a body like that either. I just snorted. The attitude was like "sorry, he's dead but you can try if it you want...."

About Luke, I could be wrong, I often am, but I thought what Obrecht meant was that the remains were consistent with Luke's DNA (instant DNA test!!) which could mean that the body was Luke or a relative such as Tim, Bill or Patricia if that makes sense.

I still think that the body is Bill and the live man is Luke, deep under Helena's control and his own dark demons (which I think have caused him to become more than Helena can handle). Luke can't be both.

I think maybe TG wants to retire and wants to go all out with a bang by having the character of Luke be killed off and no comeback. It would be really hard to redeem Luke at this point, if this is really him.

Not that GH wouldn't try, LOL. If they kill him off, maybe he can become "real" Luke and apologize to Lulu and Tracy on his deathbed or something.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

I think ava is still alive,if theres no body then they can come back anytime. Although on G.H. even if you are dead you can come back.

I think Dr. Albreight meant that luke was luke,also when they were digging up bills grave didn't they noticed it had been dug up befor?wasn't the soil loose ? tucka.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

I also think Ava is still alive. Surprised she and Sonny didn't bump into each other in the water.

I don't recall Obrecht saying that the remains were Luke. But I get so disinterested, it may have happened. Also, not surprised, that Fluke is Luke. He's under Helena's spell no doubt.

Again, please GH, no more resurrection of dead people. I don't wany any DEAD characters to return!

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

I, too, think Ava is still alive, though we may not see her for awhile. I don't see how she could wangle herself a "get out of jail" card like both Sonny and Julian are going to get. It will be interesting to see what happens with her.

I am sick of dead people coming back to life too. It kind of ruins a death scene when you figure they will probably turn up again anyway.

Coming back from the dead is way overused on soaps and on GH in particular. That gambit has lost all meaning. It needs to stop for a long, long, long, LONG time.