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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

My hate for Maxie was renewed when she bailed on an extra day with her daughter to race home to Nathan. Apparently a date with the dimwit was more important then spending time with a child she hasn't seen in a year.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Even though Kiki is not my favorite character, I felt so bad for her having to watch Sonny walk out the door with little Avery. I would like to think she had a chance to get custody of Avery back, but this IS Port Charles after all.

Hope Sonny doesn't toss that blanket away the second he gets home, knowing how he felt about Ava.

Who wouldn't want custody of that sweet little thing though? What an adorable tot.

Edited to add: I see they left Kiki's quilt downstairs......

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

LOL, at Helena adoringly staring at Nik when he was telling Scott the way it was going to be. I just could see "That's my boy!!!" running through her head.

I love Helena as a villain, but I hope Nik really lays it down on her when they get back to Wyndemere. Take charge, Nik!

Although.....Nik may have his own problems when the rigged election debacle comes home to roost, as it eventually will. Will he be able to say he did that to find out what was going on? Or maybe he can use getting Helena to confess to this mind control today to skate by all that? Honestly, I'm not sure why he even did that....have they ever explained it?

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Granted I haven't watched all of today's show so I don't know how it ends, but they are really working to make every character who was likable completely unlikable IMO. This Maxi stuff is just ridiculous and obviously they had that happen for the only purpose of there being friction between Maxi and whatshisname because I think BB is now off the show again, so they really didn't need it for his storyline at all. Just ridiculous. How long she fought for her daughter and whatshisname and then threw it all away and instead of pretending someone broke in and took that stuff, admitted to it.

I think what will happen with Luke is he is not being brainwashed, may still be someone else, but Helena will pretend to unbrainwash him and he will again pretend to be Luke but still this Fluke character. Ugh. So we will have gotten nowhere.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/12/2015 Wsmom said:

Granted I haven't watched all of today's show so I don't know how it ends, but they are really working to make every character who was likable completely unlikable IMO. This Maxi stuff is just ridiculous and obviously they had that happen for the only purpose of there being friction between Maxi and whatshisname because I think BB is now off the show again, so they really didn't need it for his storyline at all. Just ridiculous. How long she fought for her daughter and whatshisname and then threw it all away and instead of pretending someone broke in and took that stuff, admitted to it.

I think what will happen with Luke is he is not being brainwashed, may still be someone else, but Helena will pretend to unbrainwash him and he will again pretend to be Luke but still this Fluke character. Ugh. So we will have gotten nowhere.

Oh my gosh, how horrible that would be. Never ending! I would not put it past them though. Nothing has been easy with this awful storyline.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Oh my gosh, how horrible that would be. Never ending! I would not put it past them though. Nothing has been easy with this awful storyline.

That may be when I finally give up on the show.

I've read that Baby Georgie is being played by Kirsten Storm's real daughter, Harper.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't tell me that. I can't abide that Fluke thing going on any longer.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

Why are they writing Maxie as such an idiott?????Couldn't the writers let one couple be happy????? How can Kiki possibly raise her sister???? She has no job, relies on everyone else for everything, and, is so immature. The baby portraying Avery is beautiful!
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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

On 2/12/2015 grandma r said: Why are they writing Maxie as such an idiott?????Couldn't the writers let one couple be happy????? How can Kiki possibly raise her sister???? She has no job, relies on everyone else for everything, and, is so immature. The baby portraying Avery is beautiful!

That little moppet is the best thing on the show. Smiley Happy

I don't know when I have seen such a cute baby on TV. She seems to "work well" with everyone too.

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Re: General Hospital ~ February Thread

What's with Nicholas and all his ruminating on loves lost? Is someone coming back from the dead? Courtney? Emily?

And who the heck is Patricia? I'm going to keep asking until...!

Guessing the Jake reveal won't end until end of summer now that he's clearly going to be with Liz, Sam is moving closer to Patrick, and betting he goes back to work for Sonny. Is Robin due back?

Avery--anyone think Sonny isn't really the kid's dad?

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