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Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And now things get really fun! When last night's show ended,  the houseguests were searching through balls and candy to try and find tickets to exchange for balls to roll down ramps to try and lodge a ball in a hole to win the HOH. Each houseguest could only roll a maximum of three balls at a time. There were three ramps they could use. A long, very narrow straight ramp, a wider ramp with a 90 degree bend in the middle where they had to bounce the ball off an angled deflector to make the bend, and a final ramp with a curving path where you had to really control the speed to make the curve.


Paul came closest to winning early using the curved ramp when a ball went all the way to the hole, but was traveling too fast and rolled over it. Kevin next came close to winning on the narrow/straight ramp, but his ball was also traveling too fast and rolled over the hole. No one else came close. Most of Paul's allies (Christmas. Mark. Elena, and Raven) were collecting tickets and feeding them to Paul so he had the most chances to win. Paul's winning shot rolled just about the same as his near miss shot earlier, but it rattled as it went into the guide bars leading to the hole and that rattling slowed it enough to allow it to drop into the hole giving Paul the win.


Paul's win immediately raised the already high level of tension with Cody and Jessica. BB reminded them over the intercom to stay out of each other's faces and to keep things civil. (A leak that we weren't supposed to hear, but was probably necessary given the mood in the house.) Cody and Jessica retreated to the Have Not room after the comp and sulked. Josh came in to get some of his stuff and was harshly ordered to leave by Cody and Jessica.


Jessica, good sport that she is, took off her microphone and defied BB's orders to put it back on. When Paul got his HOH key and asked "Who wants to see my HOH room?" everyone in the house, but Jessica went upstairs. Jessica went into the DR and apparently talked about leaving the game. She decided to stay for now however and eventually joined the rest.


Paul got a letter from home that may or may not have contained a code telling him who he can trust. Paul then went about the business of instilling distrust in his own alliance by saying he wants to put up Matt and Raven as pawns. This did not go over so well with the group. Mark, oddly enough, was the voice of reason against this move. Paul eventually relented and has now more or less settled on putting up Alex and Josh. He's gotten each of their permission to put them up as pawns and promised each he'd take them down if he wins POV. 


Paul is making this a lot harder than it needs to be. Put up Cody and Jessica. Sure, it guarantees they'll both play for the POV, but only one can use it. Take out whoever's left over. It's not that hard. If Cody or Jessica get their name pulled to play for POV and win POV, without either of them on the block they can just leave the nominees as they are and force Paul to lose an ally.


The aftermath of the vote to evict Jillian is still rattling through the house. Cody and Alex were convinced they had the votes for a 6-6 tie and then Cody would break the tie and evict Christmas. They had six people who swore to them that they had their votes, so when Julie announced the vote was 8-4 to evict Jillian they were shocked. (Kevin and Josh lied to them about their votes.) Kevin has cleverly avoided suspicion as one of the rogue votes and Alex and her allies seem to feel it was Ramses and Josh who cast the votes to evict Jillian. This could be bad news for Ramses.


Ramses has to put himself on the block this week or next and most likely he'll do it this week, assuming Cody will be a nominee and the whole house wants Cody gone. But if Cody gets picked to play in the POV and wins it and leaves the noms the same, then the votes could be there to evict Ramses even though he's done nothing wrong. 


Cody, Jessica, Jason could all vote to evict Ramses. Josh would seem to be safe with Paul's side since he's worked with them and voted their way. Paul also promised Alex and Josh they'd be safe if they went up as pawns. That could leave Ramses as the unanimous vote to evict this coming week despite him mostly being an innocent bystander in much of the chaos that's gone down.


We'll get the nominations later today and Paul should put up Cody and Jessica, but he won't. He's too afraid one of them would win POV. Fine, let one win it and take out the other one. You can get rid of one no matter what. Instead Paul's focused exclusively on getting out Cody and that whole plan could backfire in a big way on him and leave both Cody and Jessica still in the game.


Later today the house will get tempted again and it's likely that either Mark, Kevin, Alex, or Christmas will win this temptation (currently the most popular houseguests.) If they do then that could help Paul as the winner of this temptation has the ability to remove one of those drawn to play for POV and replace them. If Cody were to have his name pulled, the winner of that temptation could then remove Cody and take his place.


This has not been the best start to a season for Cody and it's likely to get worse with this temptation likely going to an enemy of his. The odds of it going to either Cody or Jessica seem rather remote with them being two of the least popular houseguests right now. Pretty much anyone else in the house winning it will use it to take out either Cody or Jessica if they're picked and we could see that convince them to take Megan's route and just walk away. Unless both Cody and Jessica get picked to play for the POV (highly unlikely) whoever wins today's temptation will likely use it to remove one of them if just one of them is picked tomorrow and they'll be in big trouble.


The BB gods do not favor Cody this season. Megan walking, Paul coming in and getting the power, Kevin and Josh flipping their votes, and now this new power, are all making it nearly impossible for Cody to survive long in the game. He's brought some of this down upon himself, but he's also been a bit cursed in this season of temptation. Right now, it's hard to see Cody surviving this week. If Cody and Jessica were to both walk and force Paul to nominate two replacements, things could get a tad messy for Paul. (Truth be told, I'm not sure I'd blame them for walking either. Things are kind of stacked against them right now.)

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Thanks, gman!  Jessica and Cody behaved like bratty toddlers!


I am so disgusted and disappointed in Christmas. She has to have surgery on Monday and never mentioned it pre-vote and she doesn't plan on sharing that info with anyone other than Paul.  She'll be in a cast and  obviously won't truly compete. She is so selfish! Other healthy people are going home and she's there unable to do everything. I have no doubt CBS will give her the temptation today. It makes me sick.


The good news is the showmances are starting to see Paul's true colors. Hopefully he'll be gone in a couple weeks.



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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!


Christmas is doing whatever she can to stay in the game. I'm a bit surprised BB is letting her stay since she needs surgery, but maybe their hands are forced by Federal and State rules/regulations. Dismissing her from the show could be viewed as terminating her for having an injury/disability and with $500,000 at stake that could get expensive for CBS. I'm assuming it will be minimally invasive same day surgery, so there shouldn't be much in the way of a wound to deal with.


There are lots of comps she can compete in, like last night's, and if she's agreed to forfeit competing in comps like OTEV and the Tea Cup type comps, then CBS may have their hands tied. HIPAA rules also limit what anyone, including CBS can disclose about an injury or illness.


I wouldn't count on Christmas winning the temptation, but she's in the group most likely to win it. A lot of voters may not have voted for her since she was on the block and her stay in the house was iffy. I wouldn't be shocked to see Alex win it. She's pretty popular. Assuming anyone but Cody and Jessica wins it, it's bad for Cody.

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

What's on the agenda today? Noms, right? Veto tomorrow?

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@KKali wrote:

What's on the agenda today? Noms, right? Veto tomorrow?

I would assume the temptation would be up first, then later the noms, with the Have Nots named tomorrow and the POV comp tomorrow. The temptation will likely take a while with each houseguest getting called in individually and the room needing to be reset for each houseguest.


If Alex wins the temptation, and she might, it would be smarter not to nominate her as the temptation couldn't be used by her to take Cody's place if she's nominated unless BB let her choose someone else to replace Cody. I believe the temptation let's the holder take the place of a picked POV player however, and if Alex is on the block, she'd already be competing.

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The look on Cody's face when Jillian's eviction was announced was PRICELESS!  You can tell what a jerk he is just by his body language.


I think Paul is taking the easy way out--I think he should be gunning for Cody and Jessica.  I loathe both of them, but it is kind of fun to watch them when things don't go the way they planned.  They think they are such power players, but their social game stinks!

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I spilt my vote 5 and 5.  you can still vote till 1pm eastern today.

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I dont care about fairness.... but I would like to see Cody gone.  He certainly didnt care about fairness during his HOH .... and his bid to get rid of his choices. 

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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It was Cody's HOH to do with what he chose to do. It was stupid not to confide in his alliance but in the end it was up to him. What did he do that was unfair? He didn't tell Megan to quit. He didn't give Paul 3 free weeks. He's not a nice guy but he had a rough go as HOH.
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Re: Friday 7/07/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@game-on wrote:

I dont care about fairness.... but I would like to see Cody gone.  He certainly didnt care about fairness during his HOH .... and his bid to get rid of his choices. 

Fairness definition (noun) the ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty


Fairness is not a quality that is always practiced in the BB house and understandably so. Like you, that doesn't really bother me either. It often comes down to being a game of deception.


That said, I agree that Cody had no interest in being fair as reflected in the definition above and he wasn't. He repeatedly looked Christmas in the eye and said "We're on the same team and I have your back" so his decision to backstab her was not a judgment made free of dishonesty. 


Again, like you, I don't have a problem with that as part of the game. However, when someone plays that way they are accountable for the consequences whether it turns out in their favor, or as in Cody's case, blows up in their face. It's always a gamble.


Cody may have had a rough go as HoH but the only people he has to thank for that are himself and his conniving sidekick.


@KKali I think you were talking about fair in terms of being in accordance with the rules, and in that way it's true that no rules were broken. I think gameon was talking about fairness in another context.