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Fear City New York vs The Mafia On Netflix

This is a three episode limited documentary. Five Mafia families ruled New York with a bloody fist in the 1970's and 80's until a group of federal agents tried the unthinkable, taking them down. This is next on my list to watch. 

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Re: Fear City New York vs The Mafia On Netflix

Thanks for the heads up.  I watched The Godfather the other night on IFC.  Smiley LOL

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Fear City New York vs The Mafia On Netflix

It was very good, all because of the RICO Act!  I was born and raised and lived in New York, so those five crime families were very familiar to most New Yorkers and they did hold power over almost every industry in New York.

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Re: Fear City New York vs The Mafia On Netflix

The Gambinos ruled NJ as well.  

As did lil Nicky Scarfo in the late 70s to the 80s.

"Joysee" is a magnet for organized crime, unlike Philly (where I am now - a magnet for UNorganized crime!)

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Re: Fear City New York vs The Mafia On Netflix

@Jordan2 wrote:

This is a three episode limited documentary. Five Mafia families ruled New York with a bloody fist in the 1970's and 80's until a group of federal agents tried the unthinkable, taking them down. This is next on my list to watch. 

Guess who took down and then led the Gambino prosecution? Robert Mueller, who was USAG for the DOJ Criminal Division between 1990-1993.

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Re: Fear City New York vs The Mafia On Netflix

While I always had an interest in the mafia and have seen my share of movies and documentaries, I will pass on this. The violence is too much and for reasons I cannot go into, I have enough insight into crime families and their histories.


Enjoy, it is a good watch.