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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Fans of Dance Moms --- Did you notice Sophia on DWTS??

On the semi-finals (I think it was), did you happen to notice that one of the children dancing was Sophia? She was tapping, etc, and was carried atop the football player who was in the finals. They showed a closeup of her face. DH and I were watching and we both said --- that looked like Sophia! Her mother will make sure she gets to the top! She IS very talented. I am surprised that Asia wasn't in it!!!! But, then, I read that the girls have to be careful because if they are "paid", they cannot be considered as amateurs and cannot be in the competitions that Abby enters them in.

Also, I think one of the young boys doing a hip-hop number was one of Cathy's dancers (of the Candy Apple Dancers). So, if he was, and he is in the competitons, did he get paid??? Hmmmm. Makes you wonder.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin