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After I found today's P. McCartney segment from CBS This Morning  on YouTube a segment about Etsy's boom during the pandemic followed, looked like it was from the same show this morning.


I can't post links from my phone but search on YouTube.Thecsegment was called something like Etsy Connecting Sellers With Buyers. It mentions mask sales on Etsy

@haddon9. @gidgetgh 





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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@Pearlee Thanks for the heads up on this!


I went to check it out and love the featured shops!  I'm sure this is a big boost for their businesses.  Like a lot of them, Etsy has been life changing for me too. 


I've been selling since 2008 and it was just a hobby at first.  After a few years it became full time but now I only do it part time....I had my shop in vacation mode for most of this year but opened it up again for holiday sales which were really amazing!


Now I just hope that the last of my holiday orders that were shipped on 12/12 will be delivered on time...I have 7 packages still wandering out in transit! 


Most customers are super nice & understanding.  Some have become quite friendly...I even had a customer from Switzerland several years ago invite me to stop by her chalet if I ever traveled to her area! Smiley Happy


As much as many of us complain about Etsy's rules, etc. most of us who sell regularly love it!

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@haddon9 wrote:

@Pearlee Thanks for the heads up on this!


I went to check it out and love the featured shops!  I'm sure this is a big boost for their businesses.  Like a lot of them, Etsy has been life changing for me too. 


I've been selling since 2008 and it was just a hobby at first.  After a few years it became full time but now I only do it part time....I had my shop in vacation mode for most of this year but opened it up again for holiday sales which were really amazing!


Now I just hope that the last of my holiday orders that were shipped on 12/12 will be delivered on time...I have 7 packages still wandering out in transit! 


Most customers are super nice & understanding.  Some have become quite friendly...I even had a customer from Switzerland several years ago invite me to stop by her chalet if I ever traveled to her area! Smiley Happy


As much as many of us complain about Etsy's rules, etc. most of us who sell regularly love it!

@haddon9  I'm glad you watched it. Yes, quite a boost for those shops! Interesting how that Etsy CEO put out the word early to make masks He certainly saw the handwriting on the wall.

Glad you did well when you opened back up!


Etsy Ques: The CEO said things had to be hand made or hand designed. How is it people sell manufactured vintage jewelry?

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

[ Edited ]

@Pearlee . Items sold are supposed to be either handmade, 

vintage (at least 20 years old) or supplies for a craft. That said lots of sellers have bent or stretched the rules somewhat...Some just outright break them.


For example, one could sell parts for making your own computer, buying ready made items and adding a ribbon to it.  There are a lot of shops that make jewelry from scratch but many others just string some beads together...All Etsy legal.


There used to be a shop on Etsy that had over a million dollars worth of sales.  It was a single mom who had family & friends helping.  She would buy wholesale  boho styled items like socks, bags, vests, hairbands, etc. really cheap then add a few embellishments.  What made her so successful was that she had a beautiful model professionally photographed that made all the difference it the world!  Her sales when through the roof!


Over the years Etsy has given more leeway on what is considered Etsy legal. There are sellers who create their own designs but will have a manufacturer make the items such as furniture or using professional printing services to make prints or stationery.  This all has to be disclosed in each of their shops. 


However there are still many who make their own items from scratch at home or studio/workshop.


As for "manufactured vintage jewelry"...well if it's genuinely vintage then it is allowed (at least 20 years old).  If it's jewelry that is new and has been manufactured to only look vintage and one purchased it ready made to resell then it isn't allowed. 


However there are a LOT of shops on Etsy breaking the rules...they often get away with it.  There is also the issue of many getting away with selling copyrighted items too which is a big problem.

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

So my daughter just texted the family that my granddaughter just made the Dean's list.  She goes to VaTech taking 17 credits.


I saw that same show.  I'd heard the name but never looked into them.


After my daughter texted us.  I contacted my other daughter to go to Etsy and check out the necklaces that have names on them.


Usually when my grandchildren achieve something nice, I send them cards with special gifts in them.


Have any of you ever bought one of those necklaces with names on them?


Her sister goes to the magnet school in Va.  She made straight A's and was chosen to represent the school competing in French.  


I bought her some gift certificates but maybe I'll send her a name necklace.


Again, what do you guys think of the necklaces with the names printed out?



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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@Annabellethecat66 I'm not familiar with the personalized necklaces that you're referring to.  However if you really want to get one I would check out the reviews from the shop that you're interested in.


Congrats to your granddaughter!  BTW, My dad took graduate courses at V Tech way back in the early 1960s. It was for two summer sessions and at the time we all went down as a family to spend time in Blacksburg, Va. so dad could take the classes.  It was such a small town back then....sort of like Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show.



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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@haddon9  Thank you very much for explaining all that. The CEO should have mentioned vintage items being allowed.


You are so right about the copyright/trademark issue. I look at Beatles things on there and sometimes think "hmmmm" but that wouldn't stop me from buying something I like.

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@Pearlee I have been guilty myself of purchasing NFL items made by someone who sewed an item using the trademarked fabric.  For example one is allowed to buy trademarked fabric for their own use but not to profit by creating items to sell.


A huge number of violations on Etsy are Disney related items.  As you can imagine Disney is a big seller.  However Disney will do a sweep on Etsy every so often and those that sell without permission (very expensive to get a license!) are in danger of having their shops shut down permanently.

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@haddon9   I'm hoping my package from Etsy comes soon too.  Mine is also delayed, I read it shipped on Dec 12 via USPS.

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@hayseed00 wrote:

@haddon9   I'm hoping my package from Etsy comes soon too.  Mine is also delayed, I read it shipped on Dec 12 via USPS.

@hayseed00 Keeping my fingers crossed for us both! Smiley Happy