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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@hayseed00 @ Did you see the separate thread in Community Chat about Bags by April?


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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning


@PearleeYes I did thank you !!!!!!!!

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@haddon9  Thanks for your post.  My other two daughters went to Radford University which isn't too far from VaTech.


Emily's parents met their first day at UVA and ended up getting married.


My daughter wanted Emily to experience college life, but well...she didn't a lot of 'college life' sitting in her room the entire time.  Then somehow she was randomly tested and she had covid.  My daughter (being a college student at one time) was like, "Hummm?? I wonder where she was that she got covid".  Ha!  Anyway, it wasn't for her much more than a slight fever. 


Va has a good program where you can pay ahead for college.  My daughter did that for 3 of her kids (she has 4).  She said she figures there will be on who won't want to go to a Va school.


My daughter and son in law were able to start their 'adult' life without any college bills due.  She passed that on to her children.


I hope you have a nice Christmas.  I'll be going over to this daughter's house.  Emily goes back to VaTech in January.  So far the college has been able to stay open due to the quick response to moving Emily into the doorm they set aside for Covid people.  She was in there for 2 weeks and was able to keep up her studies even with being sick.


You sound like you and your family appreciates getting a good education.  Emily wants to specialize in stem cell research.  My Dr is going to let her shadow him this summer.



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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@haddon9I still didn't get my item.  I live in Western NY, and the item is shipping from Michigan, 12 hours away.    Its crazy how long it's taking !!!!

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Re: Etsy On CBS This Morning

@hayseed00 . I still have 4 packages that have not been delivered yet.  They are all going priority mail and it's so frustrating.  One was shipped 12/8 and it will be Christmas eve tomorrow!....hoping to see some movement.
I have communicated with all of my customers giving them the tracking numbers and letting them know that their item will be late due to the pandemic.  They gave been mostly very understanding.
I hope yours arrives tomorrow...this year has been difficult for everyone.