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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

Adam Sandler

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

[ Edited ]

@qualitygal wrote:

Robin Williams, always made me laugh and Steve Martin. I know there's others, but these 2 come to mind first.


Who makes you laugh?


    Those are the first names that came to my mind too.  Robin was so creative and so off the wall. Did you see his interview on TV with James Lipton on Inside Actor's Studio?  His creativity just flows.  Totally off the cuff - he borrows a scarf from a lady in the audience.and uses it as a prop for several skits!!  And Steve Martin's comedy has evolved throughout the years, but still so funny!  Remember "Wild and Crazy Guys" and "King Tut"!!!  Am smiling just thinking about those great actors...

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

[ Edited ]

One of my favorite pieces from early Steve Martin was 'Cruel Shoes'.  I first read it in his book, IIRC, by the same name.   I could totally hear him saying every word and couldn't stop laughing.


Then, at some point, I looked up the video and watched him do the skit.  Funny, twisted stuff.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

Martin & Lewis. Always have, always will.

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

Tina Fey!

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

I never cared for Seinfeld, didn't find it funny, but Jerry Seinfeld live is absolutely hilarious.


There is also a very old Sinbad special that is probably from the 90s that I would LOL every time it came on.



QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

I'd put Billy Crystal up there with Steve Martin and Robin Williams.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

Larry David

Ricky Gervais

Kenan Thompson 

Jimmy Fallon


TV shows:


Curb Your Enthusiasm

The Daily Show

The Nightly Show


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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

Jeff Dunham

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Re: Entertainment: Who makes you laugh the hardest?

It's hard to pick just one.  I think I agree with everyone here.  


I also love, love the OLD Saturday Night shows.  Eddie Murphy as "Gumby" and "Mr. Rodgers".  They are classic.  The new ones are often too politically correct to be funny.  Some of the funniest comedians I've ever seen have been on the edge but not mean because they always made sure the audience understood some things are just funny and it's OK to laugh as long as we can all laugh at ourselves too.  No one is perfect.


Jerry is funny doing stand up because we can all relate to some of the same things.  I love it when he talks about what's in the bathroom of airplanes.  He says (paraphrasing), "So why do they have those tiny slots for razor blades?  Who's shaving with razor blades in an airplane......and doing it so much they have to put in a new blade?"  Stupid things that get you thinking.


I don't like Ellen so much on her show, but her stand up is wonderful.  She's like Jerry.  She's able to point out some of the absurdity in life and gets you thinking.


But.....I also like the darker comedians.  I worry that one day we'll be so politically correct we won't let these guys be funny either.