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This is a new series.  I have read all her books and am a fan.  Episode 1 was good.  Anyone else see it?  On BBC and Starz.  LM

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

I didn't see it but do like her books.
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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

[ Edited ]

I looked for it on Starz but couldn't find it. Has it started on that channel?


Oops, found it. It starts November 10 on Starz

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

@Jasmine19 wrote:

I looked for it on Starz but couldn't find it. Has it started on that channel?


Oops, found it. It starts November 10 on Starz

@Jasmine19 Thank you for finding and posting the start date.  I want to watch this and thought I had missed it.  

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

I've only read Tana French's first book which is very similar to the main characters in Dublin Murders. Both detectives had traumatic childhoods and remain damaged and went to boarding school where they acquired British accents. Both female detectives came from working undercover and are much alike.

French may as well have kept the same detective, Adam Ryan, from her first book which wasn't bad considering it was her first but it was obvious who the killer was halfway through. It meandered and could have done with a bit more editing.

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

[ Edited ]

@Lilysmom  - according to the web, it says this show will start on November 10th on STARZ.  Did you see some sort of special preview?  Is BBCAmerica showing it already? So glad to hear it was good.

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

@dawg lover , I streamed it.  The first episode was good and true to the book.  I really like Tana French.  LM

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

I read that Sarah Greene is the female detective. She was in the first season and cut part way through the second season of Ransom. She wasn't good in that so I wonder how she'll do in this. To be fair, Ransom was a loser from the beginning but cheap and a filler for Saturday night programing.

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

@occasionalrain , this is the first time I have seen the female lead.  So far, so good.  LM

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Re: Dublin Murders, Tana French

Popping up this thread...



Just got an email from goodreads reminding me that this will be shown on Starz starting today.  In case anyone is interested.