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Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

Dr. OZ now has shows not even about health and nutrition...he has been doing shows on murders, missing people, and all things not pertaining to health and nutrition.  Wonder if his  ratings went down and they are trying to give his show a new direction or something.


Dr. OZ suddenly has become a clone Dr. Phil and now expert on odd subjects that are not his background or expertise. 


It it is just confusing. 

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

I stopped watching Dr.Oz several years ago. 

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

Haaaa.....I've  always referred to him as Dr. Odd!  Never, ever liked him. 

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

It’s a shame that a man with those credentials has gone the crazy route that he has now followed. Ratings do not compensate for medical credentials. I would never want to sacrifice my reputation for TV ratings but Dr Oz apparently holds a different opinion.

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

I saw his morphing occuring quite a while ago from a good doctor with good information to a good doctor who suddenly found that whatever he said or endorsed went wild with the public and with it has come an attitude I really don't like.  It was then I stopped watching.  Maybe others have stopped watching because of this as well.  Btw, I watched Dr. Phil years ago and stopped years ago when the "moral duo" (he and his wife) became insufferable.


I think the good doctor is probably done, he just doesn't know it yet....

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

I was a fan of both years ago, but for the last two years or more have quit watching both of them.  Surprised they have been on for so many years.

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

I thought it was just me but he's on in the wee hours of the morning now and he is just like Dr Phil who isn't really a doctor. I've stopped watching Phil because he doesn't seem that interested in his own show anymore. I think both of them need a break from television. It's getting harder to find good shows to watch during the day.

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

He's not my cup of tea.

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

@SeaMaiden, isn't it awful?  I am in Canada and they must have changed times here.  I don’t know what happened but Dr. Phil is not on after Dr. Oz anymore.  Ellen has taken that spot.  I am not crazy about Dr. Phil but I am not an Ellen fan either.


Dr. Oz is just so out in left field now.  I wish they would stick to their area of expertise.   They discredit themselves when they start getting into areas totally unrelated to their profession.  LM

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Re: Dr. OZ is morphing into Dr. Phil?

Not a fan of Dr Oz or his show.  I would think if his show was doing well, he wouldn't be branching out to new topics.