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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime

i must be the last to know that this is available for Prime members.  last time i looked you had to either see on PBS or get a DVD.  it might be fun to start "at the very beginning....."!!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime

@ms traditionalFor some reason I just hadn't been watching Downtown Abbey, so when I bought an Amazon tablet and they gave me a free month of Prime, I watched 3 seasons in a month so I'd be caught up to start season 4 when it came on air.  That was the year Amazon had bought up all the rights to past episodes so they were the only catch-up available, but Downton is a great binge watch.   Do it!



Posts: 51
Registered: ‎11-27-2013

Re: Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime

Also 're-watching" Downton! Loving it.


I never watched Mr. Selfridge when it was on, and that is on Prime too. I watched that while sewing Christmas gifts and worked 'overtime' just to keep watching. Also loved that one!