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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

@Katcat1 wrote:

I turned the documentary off -- boring.

I realized I had no interest in watching the second part.  I thought I would.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

I watched Part 1 so far, and enjoyed it, have not watched the rest yet, but will...I have always found the Jackson Family fascinating and I was a huge Jackson Five fan growing up!! 

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

I watched the entire documentary and found it somewhat interesting. 

I don't think she was completely honest about her Father and Michael. I think she left may things out that she didn't want Out There.

It wasn't what I thought it would be.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

I just think there's an overwhelming sadness she lives with. When she said at the end that she was fine with her father's choices that really struck me. Almost a bit of defeatist acceptance of how her life has turned out. Money and fame don't buy happiness.