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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

I'll watch.  I'm looking forward to it.  I was recently doing her Rhythm Nation dance in my kitchen while baking Christmas cookies.  I memorized that dance when I was in high school, so I'm surprised I still remember any of it.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

"Her music wasn't that great???"  Janet was a phenomenal entertainer.  In my opinion anyway.  She never had the voice of anything like Whitney, Celine, or Mariah, but she was indeed a mega star in her own right.  Control, and Rhythm Nation 1814 were incredible.   In the 90's, Billboard Magazine named her the 2nd most successful recording artist of the decade, after Mariah.


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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

"Her music wasn't that great???"  Janet was a phenomenal entertainer.  In my opinion anyway.  She never had the voice of anything like Whitney, Celine, or Mariah, but she was indeed a mega star in her own right.  Control, and Rhythm Nation 1814 were incredible.   In the 90's, Billboard Magazine named her the 2nd most successful recording artist of the decade, after Mariah.


I will watch this documentary.  I have never felt she was that great of a singer.  I don't like her style of singing or talking (whispering).  She is a better actress and dancer.  She has Paula Abdul and her brother to thank for her dancing skills.  Janet Jackson can't hold a note long enough for a flame to burn from a wick.  That's just my opinion of her.  I've always had this opinion of her singing.  The albums and hits were ok and of course she had studio help.  She can't sing. @Caaareful Shopper .  My opinion only.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

@gertrudecloset wrote:

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

"Her music wasn't that great???"  Janet was a phenomenal entertainer.  In my opinion anyway.  She never had the voice of anything like Whitney, Celine, or Mariah, but she was indeed a mega star in her own right.  Control, and Rhythm Nation 1814 were incredible.   In the 90's, Billboard Magazine named her the 2nd most successful recording artist of the decade, after Mariah.


I will watch this documentary.  I have never felt she was that great of a singer.  I don't like her style of singing or talking (whispering).  She is a better actress and dancer.  She has Paula Abdul and her brother to thank for her dancing skills.  Janet Jackson can't hold a note long enough for a flame to burn from a wick.  That's just my opinion of her.  I've always had this opinion of her singing.  The albums and hits were ok and of course she had studio help.  She can't sing. @Caaareful Shopper .  My opinion only.

@gertrudecloset  We agree with each other, on the point that she's not a great singer.  I don't think anyone would really dispute that.  But still to me, her music catalog was simply amazing, and her live concerts were some of the best I've ever seen.  They didn't make a documentary about her for her film or TV roles, or even just because she's in the Jackson family.  

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

I love her music but I think janet was the last album I really liked. Her concerts are great. This thread just made me go listen to her and Luther Vandross. The Best Things in Life Are Free s one of my favorites.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

She may not be a great singer but she sure is a great concert performer. 

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

@gertrudecloset wrote:

 Janet Jackson is setting the record straight about her life and career in her upcoming Lifetime and A&E doc.


The new extended trailer for Janet sees the singing superstar, 55, discuss the molestation charges against her late brother Michael Jackson. Her infamous Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction is also a topic — with Justin Timberlake reference — as is the long-running but denied rumor that she and first husband James DeBarge had a baby that she secretly gave up for adoption in the 1980s.


Janet is asked if the allegations against Michael hurt her career, she replied, "Yeah. Guilty by association — 'cause that's what they call it, right?"



Every time I see any celeb quoted as needing to "set the record straight" I wonder if it's really necessary.   I thought Janet was fairly good, but there was a LOT of very talented competition on the Billboard charts at that time.   Maybe she chose the wrong managers? 


For all we know, her personal management claimed her lack of sales was because of Michael, not lack of talent on her part ... or them not promoting her correctly.   Who knows all the things that influenced her career and record sales?  


No matter the real reasons, they are a very strange family.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

I don't have much interest in watching, but I went thru my 20s and 30s listening to and loving her music. 

I think Brittany Spears has a weak voice, Bob Dylan's is awful and Billy Eilish is barely understandable, but all great talents in their own right.


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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

@gertrudecloset wrote:

She claims this documentary is being told by her, about her "love it or leave it."  I just read a blurb leading up to the airing that she blames all the troubles Michael had on the downfall of her career.  That may be true in part, but I think it's mostly because her music wasn't that great.  Good thing she can do some acting too to get a paycheck.


This documentary will air on January 22nd on Lifetime Network.  I plan to watch (if I don't forget).Woman Tongue

Janet may not be a good singer but she is a GREAT entertainer. I also don't think she by any means is in need of a paycheck. Her ex-husband and father of her child is a Qatari billionaire.

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Re: Documentary: Janet Jackson on Lifetime

[ Edited ]

I was just checking my guide data and it's not on my guide for Lifetime on the 22nd.  Smiley Sad   Maybe I will run a connection and see if it shows up.


Unfortunately, the actual name of the show isn't here so I might try just doing a search with her name.


Never mind!  Found it.  Apparently, as to MY guide data anyway, it's starting on the 28th.     yay!  Smiley Happy  Scheduled.