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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

 I didn't find White Lotus creepy at all and loved the scenery & cinematography!  It was certainly different and I enjoyed both seasons....a change from the usual!


Yes there is a murder in the beginning of both seasons.  It becomes a murder mystery with a lot of dark humor and quirky characters. 


The Tonya character is placed in a position near the end of season 2 that some might find too stressful....but considering most of what is considered entertainment today it is rather mild in my opinion!

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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

I don't care for Hallmark type movies.  They don't hold my interest.  I did not watch the Holly Hot Chocolate movie either.


I'd also rather watch a movie instead of a series.  I'll watch them, but prefer not to.  The last one I watched and liked was Emily in Paris.  I don't know when the next series comes out - or if it already did.  The fashion on that series was incredible. 



@San Antonio Gal   I feel the same way about Hallmark movies...too syrupy for my taste and too predictable.  I do enjoy a good series though.

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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

I watched "The Vow" a couple of years ago.  It's a documentary, not a movie.


I was very interested to see what happened with the Nxivm cult and the struggles of those who exposed it.


And I was very glad to see Keith Raniere (disgusting pervert IMO) get what was coming to him.  120 years in prison and millions in fines.


Incredible to me how otherwise intelligent and successful people can fall victims to narcissists like Raniere and enable his continued influence.


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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

@on the bay wrote:


Yes, I think I'll go back to those cheery live Hallmark christmas movie favorites!

@on the bay @Chopsmom 


The Hallmark Channel has a new CEO so some of the new Hallmark movies aren't all joy and happiness......There was a depressing one about a parent with Alzheimers ....There's so much sadness and depressing news these days I prefer to watch movies from the 40's on TCM, or an uplifting movie on GAC FAMILY (the founder is the former Hallmark CEO).....a lot of the former Hallmark actors followed him to his new channel....I like mysteries too, but I just don't like sad or depressing movies

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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

@on the bay   Thanks for the heads-up...not a fan of Colin Ferrell, so I would have eliminated that film automatically!

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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

@ScarletDove wrote:

@on the bay   Thanks for the heads-up...not a fan of Colin Ferrell, so I would have eliminated that film automatically!



Really?  I'm rather fond of him.


Colin Farrell for Vogue Hombre by Hunter & Gatti

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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

@just bee wrote:

@ScarletDove wrote:

@on the bay   Thanks for the heads-up...not a fan of Colin Ferrell, so I would have eliminated that film automatically!



Really?  I'm rather fond of him.


I wasn't really a fan of his either but he has really matured and did a great acting job in this horrible movie.


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Re: Do you want to know 3 creepy depressing disturbing series/😬movies? ?ovies to not watch?

@TurnerGal wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@ScarletDove wrote:

@on the bay   Thanks for the heads-up...not a fan of Colin Ferrell, so I would have eliminated that film automatically!



Really?  I'm rather fond of him.


I wasn't really a fan of his either but he has really matured and did a great acting job in this horrible movie.




Banshees?  I agree: That was one impressive performance.  Of course, I liked the film and In Bruges, as well.


Netflix have just added some absolute crackers ahead of the weekend | JOE is the voice of Irish ...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~