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Re: Did you see this guy at the Met?

@moonandthestars  Thanks for replying in a nice way and not yelling at me. lolSmiley Happy


Yeah, I've seen his videos. I don't take them seriously. He's very theatrical just like GaGa imo. I don't care much for his pivot into that Satan stuff but I will defend his right to do it. Freedom of expression.


Years ago now, GaGa was selling her perfume which contained a drop of her blood too. Yikes! Now I LOVE fragrance. It's one of my favorite things but I NEVER concidered buying it. Again, she can do what she wants. Freedom of expression and I use my freedom with my dollars not to purchase it.


Sam Smith has also done a deep dive into the Satan thing. I try to be progressive and open minded but he REALLY turned me off. It was just too much visually for me.


So there you go. We all don't like everything that is thrown at us. But they all have a right to do it. It's great that we still live in a free country to do it and not get arrested or killed to express ourselves.


Once again, thank you for being kind and understanding to me. I also respect your opinions. You have a good afternoon.

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Re: Did you see this guy at the Met?

[ Edited ]

@Queen of shop Lol, I would never yell at you Smiley Happy


Of course he has the right to go down this path, there's no thought of arresting or hurting him!    I do find it surprising following his pretty wholesome old town road success tho, and is disturbing and objectionable to me  I don't like the normalizing  or romanticizing of the dark and the devil - so I object.  And yes, you and @CANDLEQUEEN are so right about Sam Smith - he's wandered down this same road - in more performances than just that one.  They have the right, obviously,  to express themselves any way they choose but wish they would not do this.    It's really all over the place now - I know I'm going to sound very weird or pious now but: recent fashion shows have been very devilish, satan cons (conventions) are selling out, and the aclu (I believe) has sued to ensure that the satan clubs are allowed as after school clubs.  Like what is going on?  While I'm going down this "crazy" road - what I think of when I look at the turns that  lil nas and sam smith have made is you know those "stories" - twilight zone, horror movies, etc. where people sell their souls, make that deal, for fame.

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Re: I don't know what it is but I don't want it sitting next to me

@Queen of shop wrote:

Yeah, it's a little strange but he is supposed to be a cat. You can see him only meowing when being interviewed. Doja Cat, heh, was supposed to be a cat too and only answered with meows when she was interviewed.


Jared Leto actually came disguised as Choupette in a white cat costume.


It was all just over the top weird and fun.Woman LOL


@Queen of shop   I thought the white cat costume was great!   Looks like the Real cat which is just Beautiful 😺.  The one above is real creepy 🙀