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I recorded it but I haven't watched it yet. 

Was it good? 

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We liked it a lot.  Weird and creepy.  Can't wait for next week.  

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To enjoy it, and I did, one has to overlook contradictions and suspend common sense.

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I watched it and I'm not sure yet.  But I liked it enough to watch it next week.   I am glad Manifest is coming back.  I almost forgot about that program, and I liked it.

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After reading about this show here I think I will watch it On Demand.  Sounds interesting........

“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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Okay, so what did we all think, did we love it, hate it, or is the jury still out? I didn't hate it or love it, I am willing to give it more time. I'm wondering if each week they will find different pieces of the debris, maybe the episodes will be somewhat independent of one another?

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@Jordan2 Agree with you, didn't love it or hate it.  I think for me the problem was too much going on besides the story of the young boy.  I'll give it another look next week.

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There was a lot going on, trying to cover character back stories and the situation with the boy and the bodies. Too much to squeeze into what's left of an hour after the commercials.

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IMO I thought it was horribly boring. No one had any expression in their faces or their words. It has some pretty good CGI. I will give another episode just to see if it picks up.

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We were disappointed in it. Probably will not watch again.